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Item Added but no Texture


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But the items look right when you inspect them in the inventory, right?


My knowledge 'bout esp files is limited but i guess since the items are displayed correctly but shown as dragon armor / mask when equipping looks as if the standalone plugin doesn't work correctly and just shows the items that were used as base container for those items...i'll update if i find a way to fix that.

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Dude, now i had the time to turn my brain on...i'm always doing 2-3 things at once so sometimes i forget to focus.

Of course it won't work, the char is FEMALE so all those nifs are _f files. Therefor it shows up correctly in inventory but f*cks up when equipping - there is no male mesh so he just uses those male armor parts he used as base for his new models. - with a female char it works :biggrin:




Weapons work for male and female of course :D


So even if you've got a female char and it didn't work before...do it as i posted before then it works for sure, my version was correct but i used a male character :D

Edited by ghosu
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Well i guess he just chose a fitting skin tone in the character creation process and that the face color of the model doesn't attapt to fit the normal skin or maybe he added some kind of weird specular map ... too busy with my tutorials so can't check the nif atm :biggrin: Edited by ghosu
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Nah i don't know everything but a bit about a few topics...and i'm not always right but most of the time i manage to fix the problem :happy:


Uhm without checking the nif again i just took a look on the textures and as far as i see this is the texture for the face:




So the head model just takes over this image, the model doesn't use any parts or colors from your original body - so you change your ingame skin color to fit with it or you recolor the texture in the color of your body.


Not worth the effort if you ask me, you need your original body color...the body color you see in the game is already influenced by lightning and shadow effects, game engine and all that stuff so it would be hard to find the right color.

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