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Transformations overhauls : perks for vampire and werewolf


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Well... There are already plenty of werewolf's mods, I know. But nothing interesting. Always "cheating" transformation, cheating item (ring of transformation), etc. Nothing really interesting, nothing really worked and detailled. So I was wondering if somebody could be interested to create a mod like this... I'll explain many different ideas and some of them will surely need the CK. But anyway, it's maybe the only real way to have interesting transformations. I'll begin with the werewolf but it could work for the vampire too ! And maybe, later, for even other kinds of "monsters".



First, when we choose to become a werewolf/vampire, we gain a new perk. That's the first "difficult" point. On this perk, you could see such things :


Way of the dragonborn / way of the warior / way of the assassin / way of the beast

Each "way" could unlock different options. I gave numbers but we should think about some "trees", where we need to unlock an ability to gain another one, etc.


way of the dragonborn (4 levels) :

I. ability to use the shouts.

II. reduction of the timer between two shouts (20%)

III. (final skill of this tree) ability to use the spells again and + 15% of magic damages reduction per level, 2 levels.


way of the warior (4 levels) :

I. ability to wear armors

II. ability to use a melee weapon. The damages should be fair. The real point here is to keep the effects from the powerfull attacks (knock down for the werewolf, etc)

III. (final skill of this tree) stamina regeneration (+20% per level, 2 levels)


way of the assassin (5 levels) :

I. ability to be in stealth

II. (final skill of the tree) the claws do more damages with the backstab (x5 ?)

III. your attacks are poisoned ! three ways : one for the magic damages, one for the stamina, one for the health.


way of the beast (4 levels) :

I. monstruous regeneration (+XX% health's regeneration rate where XX should be well chosen if we want a fair effect, + 25% bonus on the heal when feeding on somebody, two levels)

II. monstruous health (+25% of the actual health)

III. monstruous stamina (+25% of the actual stamina)

IV. monstruous strength (skill : during the next 10 seconds, all your hits become finishing blows (critical damages if the ennemy is strong enough to do not be defeated by a single attack)



FINAL SKILL, which would ask to have atlast two ways fully upgraded : you are not considered as a monster anymore (the way of the beast should avoid you to be able to choose this last perk).

You could now walk inside the towns without being attacked. That doesn't mean the people would like you... With the CK, it will maybe be possible to create alternate behaviours (prices higher, some of the people won't speak to you, etc). Anyway, the idea is that the guards stop attacking when you transform. Why couldn't we become a "good" monster who fights against the bad ones ? ;)



To have a perk where we should spare some points would force us to think about a new way to play. We can already play as a warior, a thief, an assassin, a bard, etc, and even mixt them. Why not a magical werewolf, a vampire soldier, a vampire rogue or even a pure beast, as we see in the worst nightmares ?


Moreover, it would allow the player to choose what kind of effects the transformation could give.



Anyway, this perk should come with some other modifications as those ones :

- some choices should cancel some possibilities. For examples : way of the beast / final skill for being respected, or way of the warior / way of the assassin (the both at the same time would become overpowered !).

- to sprint doesn't consume stamina anymore when transformed into a beast (for the werewolf only. Reason comes just under)

- to be transformed consume now your stamina (for the WW only). If it reachs the 0, you turn into a human again and you have to wait some time before to be able to transform again (some minutes should be fine, but we could create different settings for different tastes).

- there is no timer anymore about the transformation (for the WW only)

- since the perk could give lots of bonuses, we should have strong bad points, like to increase the sensibility against some things. More silver weapons for the ennemies, more damages against us with such weapons, maybe even to be weaker against fire, etc.

- For the vampires : reduction of all stats by XX percents during the day time. Nothing during the nights => vampires are weak under the sun !

- For the werewolf : reduction of all stats by XX percents if you didn't feed since a too long time => werewolves are weak if starved !

- For the both : bonus when it's the full moon's night (bonus to drain life for vampire and big poison damages for the werewolve ?)

- to be a vampire or a werewolf should give you more natural strength, even when as a human => to be able to carry more weight / stamina.

- to be transformed gives you exp in this tree, as it works with the stealth. When you kill and/or feed on a prey, you gain supplemental exp (in stealth, you gain bonus exp when an ennemy "looses" you from his/her view).





PS : sorry for my english.

Edited by Sibyllina
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Alright to address your points in a roughly chronological order...Armo and weapons for

Werewolves isn't going to happen, it'd require dozens if not hundreds of new meshes/textures and new animations. Stealth would require two new animations, which is very difficult...No stamina drain is overpowered, +hp regen of more than 5% is overpowered!

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Armo and weapons for Werewolves isn't going to happen, it'd require dozens if not hundreds of new meshes/textures and new animations.

False for the animations : you just have to use the actual ones. The only "real" problems are when you are in the first view (but there is already a mod changing that, which uses the view from behind and modifies it for looking like a first person view) and the overall look with the external view. IMPORTANT EDIT : Try to use Wars in Skyrim. You can encounter werewolf with ebonite armor + longsword. Naturally, you don't "see" them, but they are using them. Their stats are changed by the stuff. It would be a nice "beginning" before to modify the proper meshes as you were saying.


Stealth would require two new animations, which is very difficult...

No need. Same problem as just before. Wrong again. Just use the human stealth animations. They would match perfectly.


No stamina drain is overpowered, +hp regen of more than 5% is overpowered !

Wrong, wrong, and wrong again... You didn't read it carefully, did you ?

Since if you did, you should have noticed :

1. the no stamina drain is ONLY for sprinting and for the werewolves !

2. the stamina is consumed by the time you spend as a werewolf ! So it's not overpowered, it's even less powerfull than before and create a really fair limitation !

3. You REALLY don't know what you are speaking about with the regen... Do you know the actual rates for the stamina and health ? I just noticed you are supposed to work on it, so I'm really surprised. So ! Since, actually, the health regen is reaaaally slow, when you are a "normal human", to put a +50% is not overpowered, it would only compensate the fact you can't use any potion nor spell when you are a... WEREWOLF ! There are already plenty of mods giving between 100 and 500% of regen bonus ! Those are overpowered, indeed.

But, well, for a vampire, it is naturally overpowered. But if you did read really carefully, you would have noticed that, at the beginning, I was mainly speaking about ideas for the werewolves. For the vampires, there would have surely tweaks to do, that's normal.



So, instead of criticizing with wrong assertions, it would have been more interesting to really think about what is already done / able to be done, and what will be able to be done with the CK release.


EDIT : And I came on the page about the mod you are working on... Damn, first, I'm sorry, I didn't find it first. Or I would have put my suggestion in your thread. Then, you are cheeky. o_O You are saying that some things can't be done, and when I see your own mod, what do I see ? Almost the same suggestions. o_O



And... Really... The next person who said this suggestion is overpowered... My answer is : try to play as a werewolf in the hard mode and come speaking again. Thank you for understanding. It's only respect.

Edited by Sibyllina
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Sibyllina: What would be the point of equipping armor and weapons on a werewolf if it didn't appear on the character? By the way, I've actually done some testing regarding werewolf combat, as has a user called Argan, who done quite a bit of extensive testing. when you have +5% health regen, you become basically invincible to any attack that doesn't OHKO you from a single enemy if you have any ability to dodge attacks in game, and it takes dozens of guards to bring you down. If you've used skyedit, you'll know what I mean, its really surprising how quickly HP regen becomes crazy. (with 5%, you're regenerating 5% of your health a second, not regenerating 105% of what you normally would) With stamina you get a similar problem, since it gives you free rein to spam the sprinting power attack, and frees up more stamina for power attacks. While it might not be a game breaker itself, along with the HP regen, since you can just use sprint indefinitely to avoid being hit since, besides dragons and archers, the latter of which doesn't do enough DPS to overcome 5% HP regen, and the former of which is probably not something you'd want to fight as a werewolf.


Regarding the stealth animations, it won't be that simple, retargeting the humanoid stealth animation for the werewolf skeleton would entail widening and lengthening the bones, since the dimensions of the two skeletons are quite different, which is quite a difficult process (creating knew animations from scratch is practically impossible if you aren't formally trained in the field). Don't quote me here, but I think the werewolf's claws would clip into the body. Plus there's the problem that the potential sneak attacks all would look rather weird for the werewolf.

Edited by TheElderInfinity
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