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Cant install mods with manager/manually


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Hey guys, I am quite new here and I have been having problems with NMM. All mods that I try to download say that they cannot be added. I have tried downloading them manually, but I have noticed that textures from the mods cant seem to be able to overwrite the original textures. For example I have tried the Cloaks of Skyrim mod. Followed the instructions completely, and cloaks did appear in game, I could craft/equip them but were completely invisible, they did not have any texture. I also had same problem with another armor re-texture mod. I have added texture/mesh files into skyrim>data file but they dont appear in game (nor in data files menu in skyrim launcher). I cant figure out how to fix this issue, so any help would be appreciated.


Also, I have no problems whatsoever with mods from steam workshop.

Edited by Ach1
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I have just noticed that I have steam on both C and D drives. I have skyrim on D but some steam files (other games, tf2 for example) are on C drive (not sure how that happened, but that might be an issue) any tips how to fix this? Or I should delete and install steam again?

Edited by Ach1
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Since you need NMM on the same drive as Steam (Skyrim) and as long as you have enough room on that drive, I would move the game files from the "off" drive to the one with NMM. You will need to update the shortcuts and I recommend you verify cache on the ones you moved.


Otherwise you have a lot of downloadin to do.

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