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Cant Scale in CK ... help!

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I've run into a bit of an odd issue with the CK I'm hoping somebody knows how to fix. My scale tool has completely stopped working. When I select an item and hit S ... nothing comes up. I can rotate and translate, but not scale. Go figure. I've reinstalled the CK a couple times, rebooted, etc, nothing seems to fix this.


From what I know there's no more keyboard mapping, so that couldn't have gotten screwed up. Does anyone have any idea what might make the scale tool stop working across installs? I've even used it with different ESP files and noting changes.


Any help appreciated,


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my scale key is 2, its a default key in ck for scaling the selected object.


Your CreationkitPrefs.ini may be messed up, easy to check, move it out of the fallout folder, restart ck, and see if you can scale stuffs again. My prefs file got messed after updating to the latest version of ck and I had to go and setup everything again.

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Hmm, scale reference is indeed set to S in my keyboard mapping and it does nothing. I tried removing the ini files and letting them be recreated. That didn't change anything. I also changed the keyboard mapping to another key. still no scale gizmo. Thanks for pointing out stuff I missed. this is quite frustrating.

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I usually use the scale gizmo (2 key), but I hopped in looking to see if there was anything I couldn't scale with the S key, didn't seem to have any issues with any of them, thought maybe it was like some other stuff in there where some objects you just can't use the shortcut on, but nope, and obviously the S key still works on your keyboard ;)


well short of reinstalling ck, the only other thing that comes off the top of my head would be moving all the ck ini files from the fall out dir, and launching it, just open fallout4 esm and see if the key still malfunctions. that should force ck to regenerate all of its ini's so you'd be able to tell if its some setting thats screwing with it.


if not that, only other things i can think of is ck is messed itself and needs reinstalled, or you have some application that's interfering running in the background that has hotkeys to do things its hook for the hotkey is canceling out ck's hook. (i.e. like a video capture program).


Sorry I can't be more help :( Hopefully if someone else has had this same problem they will post to you and let you know how to fix it.

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Never did get the scale key working, even when remapped. I was able to get what I needed from the 2 gizmo. 2 is good for off-center vertex scaling, the actual scale tool is nice if you want something evenly large. eh, I can live without it.

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huh, go figure. The crazy thing is. I could have sworn it used to bring up the gizmo the 2 key brings up. I must be from a different timeline. I hear president Clinton just brokered peace in Syria ... What's happened in this timeline?

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