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[LE] Question about this section, Can I use it to create an entry to my mod ideas what I'm developing updating it time to time?

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I'm Maredark3d or also Medieval, you can call me any of those I prefer Medieval :)


I'm a modder, I love mods and I'm starting to create elaborated mods, I have some mods I have created on my nexus profile


So I think would be wonderful to share in what I'm working about creating mods, with details of my project concepts and what I have developed and what is under development, I have big projects as concepts I just need to make them true creating mods, the idea to make a post about my mods under development isn't to people help me, is just for share, also to have a place I can work on my mod concepts in anyplace, I love using browser to work on my stories or projects, because I can work in anyplace, I dont need to work on a Word sheet or another tool, I just need to login on a browser, also If this entry I plan to make would have some comment time to time about opinions


I know sharing my mod ideas it would be in some case "risky" because people would "stole" my ideas, but I prefer to share my ideas, make my own version of my mods and If another person create a similar version of my mods I dont have much trouble about that just mention me as credit If you use some of my content or If you got inspired by my mods or concept or project, actually I hope I inspire other modders to create mods, even would be awesome to see a similar mod created by another person before I release my own mod, also maybe to work together later


So this post would be just to work about my mod concepts and what I have already done and what not


The main question I ask is:


- Can I use this "Skyrim Creation Kit and Modders A forum to discuss and get help with the creation kit and making mods for Skyrim." section to create an entry to my mod ideas about what I'm developing and update it time to time?


This post will have detailed descriptions of my mod projects, pictures of concept and in game screenshots


Is this the correct section to post this kind of content right?



Please I just need to know, I dont want to post something and then have to move it to another section or just delete it by this wasn't the correct place to post this kind of content


Thanks, anyone who want to comment about this I have written I will really appreciate, specially admins




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I think "Skyrim mod talk" section fits better, there are already a few threads about work-in-progress mods in there.


I see, thanks for the advice

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