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Untextured CBBE body


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When I'm in body slide, the body that loads up looks like this:

http://i.imgur.com/xrr0e4R.pngIt's exactly the same in game too. I tried using different textures for CBBE, but nothing changed. Does anyone know why this is happening?

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Most likely you've installed non-CBBE compatible body textures.

Second question in the f.a.q. on CBBE's description page- (I've added bold italic emphasis)


Q2: Why am I getting patchwork body textures (black shoulder, nipple on stomach or Beth's painted-on underwear) on the bodies?
A1: You didn't follow the instructions in the installation section. Ensure you have entered all three lines into your .ini, and all files listed in Troubleshooting are preset in your game directory.
A2: You have a conflict somewhere. Make sure you don't have any other mods that affect the body.
A3: You're not using a CBBE-compatible outfit/texture on a CBBE body. At the very least, you should install the vanilla outfits/default textures found in the main file's installer.
A4: You have a mod installed that changes the default directory for player and/or NPC meshes/textures. You'll need to install these meshes/textures manually.
A5: Elderly women are not officially supported by this mod. Install the elderly textures found here.


So, you need to uninstall any/all body textures your currently using, then reinstall only one that is CBBE compatible, and that should fix your problem.

Edited by AGreatWeight
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Most likely you've installed non-CBBE compatible body textures.

Second question in the f.a.q. on CBBE's description page- (I've added bold italic emphasis)


Q2: Why am I getting patchwork body textures (black shoulder, nipple on stomach or Beth's painted-on underwear) on the bodies?

A1: You didn't follow the instructions in the installation section. Ensure you have entered all three lines into your .ini, and all files listed in Troubleshooting are preset in your game directory.

A2: You have a conflict somewhere. Make sure you don't have any other mods that affect the body.

A3: You're not using a CBBE-compatible outfit/texture on a CBBE body. At the very least, you should install the vanilla outfits/default textures found in the main file's installer.

A4: You have a mod installed that changes the default directory for player and/or NPC meshes/textures. You'll need to install these meshes/textures manually.

A5: Elderly women are not officially supported by this mod. Install the elderly textures found here.


So, you need to uninstall any/all body textures your currently using, then reinstall only one that is CBBE compatible, and that should fix your problem.

The texture mod was an attempted fix, the problem came up before I installed that. Furthermore, the textures I installed are CBBE Compatible.

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Regarding A4 from the posted FAQ, if you're using a mod like Unique Player you can get a result like that. With UP and similar mods you need to copy the appropriate textures into the new directories for player body assets.

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