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Hard to be nice


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It's perfect, that in games such as TES and Fallout there are near to no Goodies-two-shoes and comicbook-megalomaniacal-evil-psychopaths.


Take Skyrim. Companions - enjoy their meed and fightings, don't care about anything else much. Mages - like knowledge, arcane and don't care if they mess up the lives of local nords' population. The college's gates are shut tight and fireballs are loaded in case of complainers.


Daedra - just have fun to mess with Nirn - each in their own unique way.


Stormcloaks, Empire, Dominion. Each seek political domination and to deal damage to the other two.


Jarls - feudal rulers, who care about their power and wealth only.

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It's perfect, that in games such as TES and Fallout there are near to no Goodies-two-shoes and comicbook-megalomaniacal-evil-psychopaths.


Take Skyrim. Companions - enjoy their meed and fightings, don't care about anything else much. Mages - like knowledge, arcane and don't care if they mess up the lives of local nords' population. The college's gates are shut tight and fireballs are loaded in case of complainers.


Daedra - just have fun to mess with Nirn - each in their own unique way.


Stormcloaks, Empire, Dominion. Each seek political domination and to deal damage to the other two.


Jarls - feudal rulers, who care about their power and wealth only.


Yep. When, in life, have you ever been able to make a major decision that didn't have at least some downsides? Even taking a promotion steals it from someone else, where a paladin would ideally give it to the lesser employee if possible.


Threads have been locked here after debating who is really good and evil in Skyrim, and that's the way it should be. In life, very few things are entirely good or entirely evil. You take the good with the bad and do the best you can with what you have, and sometimes completely good people hold viewpoints where other good people are evil from their perspective.


Doesn't it mean more to be a 'shining knight', knowing you lost something for your devotion to morality? If you never had to give anythng up and test your principles, would it still be role playing of the same depth?


Though I admit, some people should actually yield when they say they do.

Restructuring the Daedric quests though? They're essentially demon-gods, and, as a hero, you still want their legendary artifacts? Doesn't possessing the artifact automatically make you less heroic?


Ultimately, isn't it more role-play friendly if a game gives you good and bad options and makes you choose, rather than letting you complete all the content as either good or bad?

Edited by Rennn
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Well, maybe i wasnt clear enough. gsmanners said it out perfectly. Its not hard to be nice, but if you´re not an evil character you will miss out on most of the game, and most of the fun stuff. And on the werewolf point, yes, I see what you mean, but still, you dont feel like a hero-of-the-day kinda paladin dude when you are a werewolf. Many maybe wont agree with me on that, so let me put it this way. Becoming a werewolf is pritty drastic roleplaying-wise. As a werewolf, you are put in to a stereotype box that dont leave much space for roleplaying. Yes, you can make up your own story about how you became a werewolf "for the greater good", but still you have to be a part of all that werewolf buisness. A dont say: "just dont join the companions". As a good-guy warrior that is the only guild that you would join. The guilds are very important in the elderscrolls games. To me they are even more important than the main storyline.
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I have to agree, if you want to get the most out of the game you have to do some pretty awful things. I know it's a harsh world out there but I'd love a few more quests that actually make me feel heroic rather than villainous scum.
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The werewolf thing is mainly a contemporary aversion, if you think about it. I doubt anyone in Tamriel would object too strongly to becoming a werewolf. I mean, there is a stigma, but that's only because people fear what they don't understand. It isn't per se evil. Vampires and necromages are evil because they lack respect for the dead and themselves as a part of nature. I could probably get along with conjurers just fine, but vampires are parasites.
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I played through all the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quests, and felt like I'd turned into a thug while I was doing them. LOL! It's true that if you just want to play a "good" character, you'll miss out on a lot of interesting gameplay in Skyrim. In Oblivion and Morrowind I always played good characters and still had a ton of fascinating gameplay. In Skyrim, there is definitely less gameplay for people who want to stick with good characters.
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I seriously don't know what Bethesda was thinking,i mean you join the Dark Brotherhood(Assassins guild) then you have to go around killing people that's just not right or if you join the thieves guild you have to go around robbing people, ohhhhh and the Molag Bal quest you have to kill a priest to advance even if you did not want that,because Molag isn't like the Daedric prince of domination and enslavement of mortals.

And people for god sake you don´t have to join the thieves guild to advance the main quest you can go straight to the Ratway vaults,talk to the Argonian barkeeper at the bee and Bard or the one at the ragged flagon.

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And people for god sake you don´t have to join the thieves guild to advance the main quest you can go straight to the Ratway vaults,talk to the Argonian barkeeper at the bee and Bard or the one at the ragged flagon.


Glad to see you mentioned this often-overlooked fact. A lot of people bemoan being forced to join the thieves' guild, but that only happens if you ignore the dialogue and blindly follow your quest journal. Delphine actually tells you that Esbern is somewhere in the Ratway, so you don't need to speak to anyone in Riften to advance that quest - just head straight down to the tunnels and through the Ragged Flagon.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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