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The choice of material in 3D max

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When you convert an object in 3d max,we choose the material.Some materials, such as metal, to leave the bullet holes , and heard metallic sounds when hit by a bullet , other materials do not leave the bullet holes and sounds. Write what materials you use .Materials that remain holes from bullets and sounds thanks.

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I'm sorry, I'm assuming English is not your first language. That's fine, but I don't really understand your question. I'll do my best to answer anyway. The "BSX" flags node in a .nif file stores the material data for a mesh. When exporting from 3DS Max 2013 with the official BethSoft exporter, the "Collision Group" button on the 4th tab of the right panel in 3DS max controls this. Hopefully you know what I'm taking about. Just set a material type and an object type and you're good. keep in mind, not all material types are used by Fallout 4, wood, concrete, and metal definitely are.

Edited by ZerasCETA
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To add to the last answer, some material types in the 3DS max exporter dropdown are named incorrectly. For instance, `WeaponRifle` should actually be `MaterialWeaponRifle`. You can use the custom material box to write in any material name that is listed in the Creation Kit under the Material Type category.

Edited by a_blind_man
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Ah, like he said:


  On 4/2/2017 at 11:26 AM, a_blind_man said:

To add to the last answer, some material types in the 3DS max exporter dropdown are named incorrectly. For instance, `WeaponRifle` should actually be `MaterialWeaponRifle`. You can use the custom material box to write in any material name that is listed in the Creation Kit under the Material Type category.

There's a category in the Creation Kit called "Material Type". Everything listed in there has an associated sound and impact effect.

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They are specifically asking which ones people have used that show bullet decals when shot, since testing each option one by one would be a pain.


I'd like a community-generated summary of how all the collision options respond myself (since we will obviously never get anything remotely approaching a modding guide from Bethesda).


I used MetalLight for a building I redid the mesh on, it will show the bullet decals and give a nice metal ping when shot. Also, "Ceramic" seems to be what they used for glass collisions, and they used "Concrete" for the Diner tiles (leaves a bullet decal and makes a spurt of dust).

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The forms in the CK tell you everything about which decal and sounds are used so it's pretty easy to look up or create your own. Just make sure to use the 'Material Name' property rather than the form name if you are using the Custom Material Type field in Max. Similarly, some of the default materials in the Max Exporter are labelled incorrectly, so it's always a good option to check for the correct name in the CK if you are using a default Exporter material which you haven't tried before.


I have used MetalLight, MetalHollow, MetalHeavy - all of which work properly. I have also used 'WeaponRifle' and 'WeaponPistol', which do not work correctly. These two should be called 'MaterialWeaponPistol' and 'MaterialWeaponRifle', so I use the custom material entry field and type the proper name in when I want those materials.

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