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Instead of sword and shield vs dual wield, have both?


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I started out my Orc warrior as a dual wielder, and it can do insane damage once i'm sitting right next to enemies, but like every other dual wielding thread will say, magic/dragon breath just flat out owns you. Could it be viable to start a fight with a shield, close the gap to your target ( mitigating the damage with elemental protection shield perk) and once you're up close whip out your second weapon and a vegetable soup and spam power attacks like no tomorrow?
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It would be annoying to have to switch from a shield to a second weapon every time. Or you could use Slow Time shout and go face to face; for tough enemies


After all, dual wield is just 2 perks (one with 2 ranks)

Edited by babis8142
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You can do that no problem if that's your battle plan. Put your primary weapon to hotkey 1. put your shield and other weapon to 2 and 3. Change weapons easily like in every other game ever made for the pc.


The only place where a problem may arise mid battle is if you use two of the same weapons to duel wield. But that is fixed with naming your enchants.


Personally I always walk around with a bow, then as soon as they are close I pull out the warhammer.

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I had a lot of success with the Become Ethereal shout when I did a melee playthrough. Shout, then sprint right up into the other guy's face and power attack. You don't use up stamina while ethereal and they can't hit you. Or maybe Whirlwind Sprint but it might not put you just where you want to be.
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