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Two Rings


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From the first time I found a second ring in Skyrim, I had always wished I could put it on my character for that extra enchanted boost, or even for aesthetic reasons. I find it a bit silly you can't have two; I can see why, but I still disagree with it. Obviously, having ten rings would be OP, as well as rather uncomfortable for anyone in combat, but I don't feel two rings would be unreasonable (and harder to do, as one additional ring would just require a mirror of the first, while the other eight would require four different sizes.


I'd make it myself, but I haven't tried my hand at modding, nor do I really have the time of day; I barely have enough time for Skyrim itself.

Is this even really possible, adding another item onto a character, or would it require the impending creation kit?

Edited by Afterskies
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