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How to add new menus to Workshop? (sick, please use small words)

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Home sick, and when I'm not passed out on some vaguely horizontal surface, I want to build in-game but with my bad shoulder, getting to the end of some of my menus (like chairs, or wooden walls) is becoming physically painful. With all of the "extra building stuff" mods, at this point if I want to get to the shack pieces I alternate hammering on my right arrow key with both hands. I keep looking at tutorials and stuff but none of it is making sense and most of my brainpower is focused on breathing through half of one nostril. At least I know better than to directly modify vanilla things, but I don't know what I need to do.


In plain English, I want to sub-categorize the crap out of my workshops, for less mouse-to-keyboard-to-mouse movement. I want to expand on the SKE categorizing and make it like Structures-Wood-Walls-Shack, Furniture-Seats-Couches-Prewar, Furniture-Seats-Chairs-ExtraCopiesIHaveOfSameDangThing, Furniture-Shelves-Filled, Decorations-Misc-PottedPlants. I can make my own plugin for this but I just open it and stare at it and my brain is mush. Help?

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Did you try to go through the mod 'Tutorial - Adding Cistom Workshop Categories With Scripts' yet? That was pretty straight forward to get a basic starting point so can more easily know where/how to start your re-organizing.


Also, if you didn't know (though you might), shift+WASD will move you through the menus also. Doesn't solve the overall issue, just mentioning. =)

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So... I copy the quest to my plugin. I open the tutorial plugin and my plugin in the CK, and fill the properties in the... quest? I create a new, renamed copy of the script in my data files after I modify it in the CK? Forgive me, I think my last tissue included some brain cells.

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this is how i did it.


Make a terminal, add two options to it:


option 1: Add Menu

option 2: remove Menu (for uninstalling the mod)


down in papyrus, edit the properties, add two items


FormList named BuildMenu set to Auto Const

Formlist named AdditionMenu set to Auto Const


Set the BuildMenu to WorkshopMenuMain or whichever submenu your adding it to

set the AdditionalMenu to your new menu's formlist

after those are added, edit the papyrus box for option 1 'Add menu ' enter:




switch to the 'remove menu' option and enter:





after that you can place that terminal anywhere in the world, or turn it into a constructable object, likewise you can turn it into a holotape and place it anywhere in the world or make the holotape craftable, this removes the need for the players to have it quest driven.

Edited by caleb68
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Or I could create a patch in xEdit and set a bunch of my crafting mods as masters, and my patch will alter their workshop keywords to make the recipes appear in different spots. That, I understand. I'm just not sure how to move categories. Like, I want to move (or create an additional category so the same recipes will be in two different places) Do It Yourshelf because Renovated Furniture is DIY compatible, and I've been recategorizing a lot of recipes using SKE's massive keywords list, and moving back and forth between SKE Furniture and vanilla Furniture is literally a pain. I can move individual object recipes, but how do I relocate the DIY submenu?

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from messing with it myself (creating my own menu) it seems to order the list in the order they are in the formlist, so say if i have oranges then apples then pears, thats how it would be displayed in the menu rather then apples then oranges then pears.

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