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Changing Handedness and making containers

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Hmm, didn't Unnecessary Violence do that already even? Use NifSE to switch handedness of weapons as well primary or offhand wielding? I recall one mod at least was doing that already to some extent in the past, but I can't for the life of me exactly remember anymore which one that was. :ermm:


edit: Yep, I recalled correctly. UV does that, and more.

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Big wave back Contra.


When I saw your suggestion about the collision box possibility I was like ... hmm. When that turned out to be the root of the problem I was like ... the force is strong with Contra today. Awesome job!


I would have chimed in on Drakes call to arms for a step by step except I wasn't in a position to access my gaming computer, and a step by step on that subject off the top of my head would have a high probability of being more like a step by stumble.

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