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Help with BodySlide & HDT


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Hello everyone, I don't know if I'm posting this in the right spot or not, but I need some help with bodyslide and CBBE. What i want to do is increase breast and butt size on my CBBE BBP HDT body and make my armor replacement fit to my customization. Can this be done? If so, how? and guidance with be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Mods in use currently: XPMSE, Realistic Ragdolls and Force, HDT Extension with Havok Collision, CBBE, HDT Bounce and Jiggles 7.8b Easy Bounce Kit CT77 HDT Body, Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide TBBP HDT. Currently, this setup works great. Realistic bounce, co clipping or anything. Hopefully this info helps

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Considering altering the proportions of a mesh is what BodySlide is for...

But, you should already know this as you had to use BodySlide to create the HDT body in the first place.

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