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Creation kit render window

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Hey guys,


i have a problem with ck, it killing my ram and videocard,

slowly, day by day.. killing :sad:


is there some way to make lower graphic settings for render window?

i'm already disable all render window flags in ck, what more can i do to change it?

maby creationkit.ini?

Edited by JagMaker
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yes, CK and Fallout 4 mods.,

so, i have disable all mods, just one for work., have change videocard settings to lowest, same did with game settings., now i have low picture in render window, but glitches anyway a didn't gone =\

those "fails" appearing only when i'm doing something in render window:


1) "Videodriver stop responding" and ctd/stuck then.. i have 4 gb card and latest driver., anyway have fix it with HKEY_LM changing, so now it randomly ctd when i'm trying to save mod., Creation Kit is only program that show me that mistake.


2) i have 16 gb ram, but when render window enable 97% of my ram is used by CK.. what a hell machine i need to make mod in creation kit?=\

the only option that enabled in render - Ambient Occlusion, because without it this window shows nothing


3) ctd/stuck when i saving mod.. it's more important for me, chances of save or ctd = 50/50.. if u did some big works u know how to important to save it), so even here i need to fight with ck for my save..


i just never have those problems in Skyrim's CK

have last version of Fallout and CK

if u have solve some of those problems - plix help, i would be pleasant


p.s. ty yourenotsupposedtobeinhere, i'l try to go offline.. hope

p.p.s. no, it isn't help )






the reason of those problems (look's like) was in dual videocard system.. i don't know what sadist came up to insert 2 videocards in one pc, but anyway problem appear when CK trying to use both of them in same time.

U can try to: R-click on desktop - intel graphics options - 3D graphics - Disable "optimal working regime", then go "back", choose "power" tab, choose "perfomance"

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if its doing this on external cells on you, you can open up the properties window (button on the main window) go to the second tab, and change the loaded cells from 5 down to 3, or even 2.

This will cut back on the load ck throws at your video card when working on external cells. two things about this however:

  1. it doesn't save this setting so you will have to reset it each time you use the creation kit,
  2. when switching from a external to a internal cell, there will be a 'ghost' version of the exterinal cell in the internal cell sometimes that will effect the external cell if you modify any of that 'ghost'.


the more things its displaying the more resources its going to want for the card, if your not working with markers at the time, turn them off, (lights, patrol paths, etc), same with light radius markers (L key to toggle).


I did notice with my nvidia card and its "latest" drivers, its become more of a resource hog on the pc, kinda wishing I didn't update to the latest this last time, that machine is running a 750 ti 2gb card.

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if its doing this on external cells on you, you can open up the properties window (button on the main window) go to the second tab, and change the loaded cells from 5 down to 3, or even 2.

This will cut back on the load ck throws at your video card when working on external cells. two things about this however:

  1. it doesn't save this setting so you will have to reset it each time you use the creation kit,
  2. when switching from a external to a internal cell, there will be a 'ghost' version of the exterinal cell in the internal cell sometimes that will effect the external cell if you modify any of that 'ghost'.


the more things its displaying the more resources its going to want for the card, if your not working with markers at the time, turn them off, (lights, patrol paths, etc), same with light radius markers (L key to toggle).


I did notice with my nvidia card and its "latest" drivers, its become more of a resource hog on the pc, kinda wishing I didn't update to the latest this last time, that machine is running a 750 ti 2gb card.


yep, "grids to load" is a good thing, but if to make smth globaly i need 5-7 of em., for navmeshes, landscape editing etc.

another thing that can cause these problems - is weight of .esp, it's 30mb+ and uses all dlc masters.

too many data make Ck stuck?)


and anyway, i still looking for some very-very low Ck render window settings., i want it quadratic, but fast

perfectly is smth like resolution 640X480, or something like this)

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well this is just a thought off the top of my head, without actually testing to see... but... perhaps it uses fallouts settings for the render window? If it does then one would only need to set everything to low in fallout then load up ck. It does kinda make sense that it might use the games settings for the render window, and I have noticed that different peoples screenshots from inside the ck seem to have different qualities when they have their lights / sky turned on. like I said, just a thought.

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well this is just a thought off the top of my head, without actually testing to see... but... perhaps it uses fallouts settings for the render window? If it does then one would only need to set everything to low in fallout then load up ck. It does kinda make sense that it might use the games settings for the render window, and I have noticed that different peoples screenshots from inside the ck seem to have different qualities when they have their lights / sky turned on. like I said, just a thought.

yeah, it's close, need to try to change fallout4.ini screen resolutions, hope it' will work )


no, it's not work ) have set resolutions at fallout4prefs.ini and creationkitprefs.ini from 1280x720 to twice lower, but render window ignoring it..

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Did not read the whole thread, so sorry.

Anywho, if it's trouble with saving, one thing I've learned is to never save out in an exterior. I got in the habit of always returning to a vanilla interior (easiest is that atest cell...or whatever it was called) before saving.
I will say, however, that this gets more important as your mod grows. Once it gets around 30mb, saving (even on a rock solid machine) takes *forever* out in any exterior cell (be it of your own creation or vanilla).

...but again, very tired and didn't read the whole thread so maybe it was mentioned or I misunderstood. =)



Random tip for anyone:

Preferences>Render Window>Update Cell View To Match Render Window

Un-checking that option will stop the Creation Kit from repopulating the Cell View window with all the cells in the worldspace every time you move from one cell to another in the Render WIndow.

Such a great time saver when you don't need it.

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ty for advice!:)


for anyone who have same trouble

about how to fix "stuck when save / 2-3 seconds of black screen and then stuck / black screen and then bluescreen"


1. press "windows-R", type there "regedit", press 'ok

2. go HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/GraphicDrivers

3. click on folder 'graphic drivers' and add two files DWORD 32 in right window: 'TdrDelay' and 'TdrLevel'

4. edit them: TdrDelay = 10, Decimal. TdrLevel = 0, Decimal

5. reset computer., so now we disabled annoying 2-3 seconds black screen.

6. after reset: R-click on desktop - intel graphics options - 3D graphics - Disable "optimal working regime", then go "back", choose "power" tab, choose "perfomance"

7. reset computer., so now secondary videocard will not be used by CK.


have test it with regural hard work in CK., all goes fine :)

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