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Load Order


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Helo guys and girls i need a bit help with my load order please..

Everything worked properly,there wasn't more crashes then usualy and i didn't instaled any new mod's,every in my load order are used from the start,but acidently moved load order and game wasn't running so i did some try's with loading order,but maked it even worse :-/


Load order:


Fallout3 .esm






Mothership crew.esm

TSC Air Support.esm


Explosive Entry.esp


DK_Bullet Time.esp

Sprint Mod.esp


UndergroundHideout.esp (ver 7.2)


TSC Air Support.esp


Czech.esp (language location)


The issues are: Bad textures on commander outfit (http://www.mediafire.com/i/?f2xxozdi5xl0cgy)

and when i rolls in inventory over "Stev's Bud - Flower" (include in BA_PAUI.esp) i got instantly crash...


I was try to move with BA_PAUI.esp mostly but nothing seem's heping :(

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Figured out that textures (game setting need be on high textures)

The stevs bud - flower crash is becauze language location if i turn it of its no more crashing...


Now i reoactivated some of the mods and textures are again bad.. not the way like before but they seems all gray or braun (its changing how i walking around )

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It looks like you need ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! It is available here on the nexus. Also, check your data files and make sure you are not missing any textures or that the textures are installed properly.

What you are experencing is missing textures.

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It looks like you need ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! It is available here on the nexus. Also, check your data files and make sure you are not missing any textures or that the textures are installed properly.

What you are experencing is missing textures.


It'salright now thanks .. it seems everything bad doin my laungauge location,cuz it changin falluit.ini in doc's, but before it was work properly .. its possibiity that reactivate it in order 1.language location then reactivate other mod's will fix it?


I'm playing in english now,anyway english location is the best,the jokes are quite better :)

Jus't want to get to the point of the mod's load order,cuz it seems that my logic ain't the same as fallout 3 logic :D


Thanks anyway for respond...



Edit: have ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! already done long time ago :)

Edited by kurecore
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