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Place everywhere cant work


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hey guys i m newbie in here,



i was installed this mod by nmm http://i.hizliresim.com/nRlZDN.jpg and editing config like this http://i.hizliresim.com/37zQ59.jpgand in the game i m pressing f8 button it cant work where did i go wrong (sorry my english is not good)


please help, thank you

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Just like RedRocketTV said, make sure your F4SE is good to go, and make sure you are starting fallout 4 with F4SE_Loader.exe (or have NMM set to start f4se for you). Also, that ini you screencapped is the one that has all of the hotkeys disabled.

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Since Place Everywhere requires F4SE, you should start by confirming you have F4SE properly installed and working.



Yes i know, my f4se version is 1.7.12 and i was downloaded place everywhere 1.7.12 version, where did i go wrong ?


Just like RedRocketTV said, make sure your F4SE is good to go, and make sure you are starting fallout 4 with F4SE_Loader.exe (or have NMM set to start f4se for you). Also, that ini you screencapped is the one that has all of the hotkeys disabled.


I will start game with NMM after this , and how can i enabled hotkeys ?




thank you for helping

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If I remember correctly, PE comes with a place.ini.example, which is a 'default' ini file. To make that one work, you just need to rename it to remove the .example part.


In the section labeled [keys], any key that is bound with 0x7 is effectively unbound or disabled (0x7 is a null type of keycode)


the ones that are bound to keys and not disabled would look something like



;snap = 0x70
;ground = 0x71
;workshopSnap = 0x72
;outlineToggle = 0x73
;extraOutlineToggle = 0x2D


If you want to change them from default, you'd need to remove the ; at the beginning of the line. The main mod file should come with a place.ini.help.txt, found in the same folder as the ini file, and it has a good explanation of almost everything you'd need.


You are also running an old version of f4se and the mod, what version of falllout 4 are you running?

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If I remember correctly, PE comes with a place.ini.example, which is a 'default' ini file. To make that one work, you just need to rename it to remove the .example part.


In the section labeled [keys], any key that is bound with 0x7 is effectively unbound or disabled (0x7 is a null type of keycode)


the ones that are bound to keys and not disabled would look something like



;snap = 0x70

;ground = 0x71

;workshopSnap = 0x72

;outlineToggle = 0x73

;extraOutlineToggle = 0x2D


If you want to change them from default, you'd need to remove the ; at the beginning of the line. The main mod file should come with a place.ini.help.txt, found in the same folder as the ini file, and it has a good explanation of almost everything you'd need.


You are also running an old version of f4se and the mod, what version of falllout 4 are you running?

Thanks for the advice, i will try this, my F4 and F4SE version is 1.7.12, how can i upgrade F4SE version ?

Edited by darkelf3346
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If you are running an older version of FO4, then use the older version of F4SE. Each version of F4SE only works with its specific FO4 version. If you let Steam update your Fallout 4, then it should be on 1.9 something, and the F4SE version for that is 3.0, i believe.


http://f4se.silverlock.org/ is where you'd get any updates needed for F4SE

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Thanks for the assist, i will upgrade F4 on Steam and F4SE too, if i have a trouble i'll write you




Also if my game version 1.9.4, other mods can be work properly or my game will be break down ?

Edited by darkelf3346
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