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Nexus Vs Steam Workshop. A warning for Modders


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I have just been on to the steam website and read the 'continuing agreement' and would like to point out your legal obligations if you host a Mod on Steam


1. You give Steam full and unconditional use of the Mod for ever and to sell this rights to third parties.


2. You give Steam the right to use your name in what ever way they deem fit, including advertising and marketing .


3. If Steam decide to use your Mod for financial gain, you will receive 25% of the Gross income and Steam will keep the other 75%.


4. Steam can change the legal agreement at any time by posting an updated agreement. If you do not check the new agreement within 30 days (how will you know they have changed it? They wont advertise it.) you could lose what little rights you have left to your work.


Now , in my opinion the only reason Steam have any interest in hosting Mods on their site is that the corporate lawyers and accountants at Steam believe there may be some money in it, and 75% of that money is for them not for you. Now is have no problem with people earning money from their hard work, but I do have a problem with large corporations taking three quarters of the profit from someone else's hard work.


I think this is the beginning of a slippery slope; if enough Mods are hosted on Steam and enough people download them, they will start charging money. I don't think this is a good thing as the modding community is one of the few areas of gaming that hasn't been engulfed by the corporate juggernaut.


At the very least if we end up getting charged for Mods then the modder should get more that 25% of the revenue!



Stick with the Nexus!!!!

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If a mod is uploaded to the workshop and Steam claims ownership/sells it what would that do to the same mod hosted elsewhere?? I realize this is all speculation but I know several folks will upload to both. I would hate for Steam to claim copyrights and force it to be removed from the Nexus. Which if they are making money from Mod X I see no reason to believe they would allow it to be uploaded elsewhere.
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The greed of EVERYONE will be suspect. Think for a second about some of these groups and individuals who would put countless hours making a mod, would it be wrong of them to want a little compensation via a steam mod? No it wouldnt.

The percentage of mods that will be sold will be small I am sure. Look at TF2 mods.

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I think this is terrible.


People are only attacking steam for this and it confuses me. Why is no one mentioning Beth? Beth is a bigger part of the problem, they agreed to it. Steam has been doing this for a while on other games such as TF2 (which makes sense.)


Remember that if this completely tears up the modding community it had to do with Bethesda wanting to money (this word is censored to prostitute for some reason. Guess what I mean) off casuals and action fans and not Steam.

Edited by marharth
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On the bright side, it could help in providing for those who mod. Currently, there is no monetary gain for a mod.


25% isn't that bad when you consider that Steam/Beth will do all of your marketing, provide a popular outlet for distribution, give you the tools (CK), and allow you to focus on just whatever you like to do and do best. Profit sharing sounds wonderful. 25% might not sound good to a famous book author, but to offer this across the board is a pretty good deal, IMO.


Enchanting myself with some flame resistance....



Imagine making a kewl little mod that is purchased for $2 by 100,000 gamers. That's no small change. This has a huge potential to bring in a lot more modders and entice them to make their mods the very best that they can. Heck, some could probably quit their day jobs and mod full-time.

Edited by thesapien
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1. You give Steam full and unconditional use of the Mod for ever and to sell this rights to third parties.


2. You give Steam the right to use your name in what ever way they deem fit, including advertising and marketing .


3. If Steam decide to use your Mod for financial gain, you will receive 25% of the Gross income and Steam will keep the other 75%.


Hahahaha, the audicity! From the Television Industry i can tell you, that giving away your rights is normal, BUT the interest rates WAY higher. Ususally TV nowadays pays you off ONCE for all time, no matter often the content is broadcasted or resold, they pay you once and they keep 100% after that. That's called a "buy out" and you might think OUCH, that is a very bad deal, but indeed, it is not, 350.000 to 750.000 dollar for 45 page television series script isn't that bad, is it?

And now here comes steam, lol. Never heard of a worse interest rate, hilarious.

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On the bright side, it could help in providing for those who mod. Currently, there is no monetary gain for a mod.


25% isn't that bad when you consider that Steam/Beth will do all of your marketing, provide a popular outlet for distribution, give you the tools (CK), and allow you to focus on just whatever you like to do and do best. Profit sharing sounds wonderful. 25% might not sound good to a famous book author, but to offer this across the board is a pretty good deal, IMO.


Enchanting myself with some flame resistance....

My issue isn't with the percentage, it is the fact it will split a lot of the modding community and make it harder for places like the nexus to compete with the steam workshop.

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On the bright side, it could help in providing for those who mod. Currently, there is no monetary gain for a mod.


25% isn't that bad when you consider that Steam/Beth will do all of your marketing, provide a popular outlet for distribution, give you the tools (CK), and allow you to focus on just whatever you like to do and do best. Profit sharing sounds wonderful. 25% might not sound good to a famous book author, but to offer this across the board is a pretty good deal, IMO.


Enchanting myself with some flame resistance....


Excuse me? Compare this to a screenwriter and the interest of his agent for all his work. 9% for the agent is already considered outrageous and hardly any serious agent would dare to consider such numbers.


How can you even give into steams numbers like this, have no sense of business, Mister?

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The greed of EVERYONE will be suspect. Think for a second about some of these groups and individuals who would put countless hours making a mod, would it be wrong of them to want a little compensation via a steam mod? No it wouldnt.

The percentage of mods that will be sold will be small I am sure. Look at TF2 mods.


Steam isn't interested in their 75% at all. Giving us these numbers is a business tactic, i above fell for myself, lol.

No. The real deal isn't the money. The real deal is 100% Copyright Ownership you can do with whatever you want. You see now, what they are up to, right?

Edited by olafreinhardweyer
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