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Nexus Vs Steam Workshop. A warning for Modders


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I was wondering when some greedy entity was going to try to capitalize on game mods. It was just a matter of time. I'm just surprised it took this long. I've been using different game mods for 20 years. Civ III comes to mind.... :geek:
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On the bright side, it could help in providing for those who mod. Currently, there is no monetary gain for a mod.


25% isn't that bad when you consider that Steam/Beth will do all of your marketing, provide a popular outlet for distribution, give you the tools (CK), and allow you to focus on just whatever you like to do and do best. Profit sharing sounds wonderful. 25% might not sound good to a famous book author, but to offer this across the board is a pretty good deal, IMO.


Enchanting myself with some flame resistance....


Excuse me? Compare this to a screenwriter and the interest of his agent for all his work. 9% for the agent is already considered outrageous and hardly any serious agent would dare to consider such numbers.


How can you even give into steams numbers like this, have no sense of business, Mister?


Can't be compared to agents who compete with another. You have to imagine there is just one single agent. This one agent has the universal connection between one party (Beth) and all its customers. Beth and Steam already have full legal control over all mods of Skyrim. Offering profit sharing of 25% still sounds outrageously low to you???

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That EULA is why a lot of modders won't upload to Steam Workshop. I hope hardly anyone does. I think they would be very ill advised to, especially if they still want to support Nexus and other sites too.

Olafreinhardweyer is right, they are trying for a 100% stranglehold and control of game mods, and Bethesda are colluding with them

It's up to us to see it doesn't happen, by continuing to support the Nexus.

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Can't be compared to agents who compete with another. You have to imagine there is just one single agent. This one agent has the universal connection between one party (Beth) and all its customers. Beth and Steam already have full legal control over all mods of Skyrim. Offering profit sharing of 25% still sounds outrageously low to you???


Please explain, why you think they have full legal control already. When someone created a texture and chooses to use it for a Skyrim mod, that does not make that texture be owned by Beth or Skyrim. The texture can be applied to anything one deems fit. Switching on the light in a house does not make Edison posthumou®sly owner of your house.

You might refer to the plugins and the geck then. Well. Should the geck be the culprit, we collect a little money and buy some third partie liscenses Beth and Steam themselves didn't bought exclusively and publish our own geck. What can it cost? 10.000? 100.000? Piece of cake in this large community.



Edited by olafreinhardweyer
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I cannot seem to find what you stated on steam. Can someone provide a link to the agreement?


Edit: I found it. The only thing that is wrong to me is the 25% the modder would make.

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25% is not bad considering Steam and Bethesda will be doing all the leg work. The real issue here is the co-opt of ownership. If Steam/Bethesda owns the mod they can tell Nexus and other sites they can not host the same mod. I think Steam and Bethesda may be trying to lock up the modding community and become the one and only site for mods of their games. If that happens they can start to charge a fee for mods. They can decide which mods are allowable. Being corporate entities they will bow to the edicts of the most vocal groups. No blood, no gore, no sexual or sexy content, nothing that flies in the face of whatever group thinks is amoral or offensive. Soon we will all be playing Donkey Kong.


I realize that's a stretch, I doubt Steam has some ulterior motive to destroy the gaming community but they are interested in profits. Any company will aggressively defend whatever profit source they find. If they did not think they could make money with this Steam Workshop thing they would not be doing it. Once it is in place they will try to squash any competition. Nexus is the big competitor, especially since it is free. Steam will not be able to let that go. If however, no one puts mods on their site they can't do much to Steam.

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Well i have a large mod planned for skyrim, have started a bit but the CK will makes things far easier and theres no way im uploading to the steam workshop.

I dont make my mods for profit and I never would, I make them because I want other gamers to play what ive created for free.

I dont care how much steam want to pay me, ill upload to the nexus, if the nexus went down id go to another site, it that went down id make my own website and upload my mods for free there

Steam cannot stop me, and its already been confirmed in the video of the CK that you do not have to upload to steam, its an option.

All you have to do is copy and paste the .esp file you create and upload anywhere you like.

Sure there will be some modders who want profit (mainly noobs who think its cool to upload god weaposn to steam workshop)

But I think the majority will upload to nexus, I for one will always stay with the nexus

Edited by thelonewarrior
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25% is not bad considering Steam and Bethesda will be doing all the leg work. The real issue here is the co-opt of ownership. If Steam/Bethesda owns the mod they can tell Nexus and other sites they can not host the same mod. I think Steam and Bethesda may be trying to lock up the modding community and become the one and only site for mods of their games. If that happens they can start to charge a fee for mods. They can decide which mods are allowable. Being corporate entities they will bow to the edicts of the most vocal groups. No blood, no gore, no sexual or sexy content, nothing that flies in the face of whatever group thinks is amoral or offensive. Soon we will all be playing Donkey Kong.


I realize that's a stretch, I doubt Steam has some ulterior motive to destroy the gaming community but they are interested in profits. Any company will aggressively defend whatever profit source they find. If they did not think they could make money with this Steam Workshop thing they would not be doing it. Once it is in place they will try to squash any competition. Nexus is the big competitor, especially since it is free. Steam will not be able to let that go. If however, no one puts mods on their site they can't do much to Steam.


I don't think they can stop you hosted your Mod on another site, but once you upload your Mod on steam you cannot remove the right for steam to use that Mod. I agree with your view completely. In the words of the great Bill Hicks: "Quit trying to put a dollar sign on every f**king thing on this planet".

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