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papyrus - script location error, What has changed?


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Hi All,


I am having one devil of a time with Papyrus/Scripts. This all started when I wanted to make a new custom trainer npc. Quest:DialogueTrainers -> Topic Info -> Papyrus Fragment I get ";CODE NOT LOADED"


When I go into the Papyrus Manager and look at the scripts, all the vanilla scripts are Compiled but none have source.


When I create a new script that Extends "ObjectReference" I get "The extends script does not exist, please pick one that does".


This would make you think I do not have the Source files but I do. All my .psc files are in Data\scripts\Source. I have nuked the scripts dir and then unpack the Scripts.rar, no luck. I can use ScriptCompile.bat at a command line with no errors.


Now in the past year or so has anything happened to CK to break where it thinks the Source for scripts should live? I am using Skyrim/CK vanilla not SE.


I have google the heck out of this and everything keeps pointing to the .psc files not being seen by the CK but they are all there in Data\scripts\Source


Anyone know what is going on?



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Verify your CK with Steam to reset the CK INI file and make sure all files are where they need to be. Make whatever tweaks you need to the CK INI file in order to load multiple masters, then try again.


Only thing I can think of with the source files being present and the compiler working on its own, would be that the CK INI file is looking at a different folder than the default. Which is a total possibility as it is sometimes recommended (if one has the space) to combine the stock and DLC source scripts into a single folder and redirect the CK INI to use that folder.

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I would like to give you additional information, to that what IsharaMeradin already wrote as troubleshooting.


Look at this ini-file:

drive:\ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ skyrim \  SkyrimEditor.ini

The papyrus section within the ini-file should have next content:

sScriptSourceFolder = "Data\Scripts\Source"
sScriptCompiledFolder = "Data\Scripts\"
sCompilerFolder = "Papyrus Compiler\"
bPerforceEnabled = 0
iMinMemoryPageSize = 128
iMaxMemoryPageSize = 512
iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 76800  ;75kb

Additionally, next file has to be existent to compile papyrus sources, it was also packed into archive Scripts.rar:

drive:\ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ skyrim \ data \ scripts \ source \  TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg

content as follow:


    Format is as follows (whitespace is completely ignored, index must be between 0 and 31 inclusive):
        Flag <name> <index>        // flag is allowed on all types
        Flag <name> <index> { <list of script, property, variable, or function> }    // flag is allowed only on the specified types

// List of flags for TESV - DO NOT EDIT

// Flag hides the script or property from the game editor
Flag Hidden 0

// Flag on an object designates it as the script the condition system will look at
// Flag on a variable allows the script variable to be examined by the condition system
Flag Conditional 1



Edited by ReDragon2013
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IsharaMeradin & ReDragon2013 Thank you both for trying to help.

IsharaMeradin I think I found an old post where you talked about Base+DLC and I tried that. Here is my SkyrimEditor/Papyrus

sScriptSourceFolder = "Data\Scripts\Base+DLC\Source, Data\Scripts\Source, Data\Scripts\Source\Dawnguard, Data\Scripts\Source\Hearthfire, Data\Scripts\Source\Dragonborn"
sScriptCompiledFolder = "Data\Scripts\"
sCompilerFolder = "Papyrus Compiler\"
bPerforceEnabled = 0
iMinMemoryPageSize = 128
iMaxMemoryPageSize = 512
iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 153600 ;150kb

Now I may have solved it ... I now have:

sScriptSourceFolder = "Data\Scripts\Base+DLC\Source"
sScriptCompiledFolder = "Data\Scripts\"
sCompilerFolder = "Papyrus Compiler\"
bPerforceEnabled = 0
iMinMemoryPageSize = 128
iMaxMemoryPageSize = 512
iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 153600 ;150kb


And everything now is working the way that it should.

I am not sure when I changed the sScriptSourceFolder = "Data\Scripts\Source, Data\Scripts\Source\Dawnguard, Data\Scripts\Source\Hearthfire, Data\Scripts\Source\Dragonborn" but that seems to be the issue.


So for anyone else in the future please make sure you only have one Source Folder and NOT a comma separated list.


Thanks again IsharaMeradin & ReDragon2013!


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