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Image Share Thumbnails Not Appearing


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We just optimized a bit the skyrim part of the static server. Can you tell me if you still have issues with the images? If you have problems a link to the missing image or the name of the mod would be very helpful, thanks! Same thing for the other games, because I see every thumbnail but there may be problems between caches and a direct link is very helpful in debugging the issue.
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The Skyrim image thumbnails are good at the moment, they have been on again, off again for the last couple days, good to know that the problem isnt on this end. :thumbsup:
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The thumbs are down again for the Skyrim image share, just the thumbs on the view images pages, the individual image pages and images themselves are fine. FO3, New Vegas, TES, are all good, results are the same for IE9 and Google Chrome.
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I cannot confirm this, they are working for me. Can you link to a non-working thumbnail? An imageshare page with an image name is ok, too, but I need to check the exact thumbnail to find the problem.
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The thumbs are working at the moment again, when it does happen it is every image thumbnail on the view images gallery pages for Skyrim Nexus. The actual image page for each image and each image itself are fine whenever it happens just the thumbnails as viewed from the view images pages.View images Also it doesnt effect the thumbs on the supporters images gallery pages whenever it happens for some reason. I was hoping that it could be a matter of it needing 24 hours to fix itself on our end similar to what you guys changed last week which could still be the case as your previous post timestamp and mine are less than 24 hours apart depending on when you completed your changes. I will post back later in the day either way and let you know what it looks like.
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The thumbnails are down again View images, just red x in the white box alonside the image titles for IE9, also same problem on Google Chrome showing their icon and image title but no thumbnail. Each image page itself shows up fine and the image is fine, its just that the view image gallery pages thumbnails are not there for all of the Skyrim view images pages with the exception of the supporters images gallery pages thumbnails which are uneffected.
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Seems like a problem between you and the static content server.

When it happens again, can you try pinging "static.nexusmods.com" and "static.skyrimnexus.com"? I'm interested to see if you can reach the server when the thumbnails are not displayed (you will have something like unknown host or ping timeout).

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I will try it just as soon as I figure out how, lol. Seems as if not many people are having this problem so probably it is just a setting somewhere that needs to be changed. Thank you for your help on this and for all of the behind the scenes work you are doing for us. :thumbsup:
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