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[LE] SKSE GetIngredient() troubles

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Okay, so, here's my problem: Given an arbitrary ObjectReference known to be a harvestable object (i.e. its base form type is Flora or SKSE's TreeObject), how can I find out what it is supposed to yield up when harvested? SKSE's GetIngredient(), which ought to do it according to the (very sparse) documentation out there, is currently failing me.

The cause, according to the logs, appears to be a type mismatch, but I'm not understanding why.


Log snips:

[04/06/2017 - 07:25:13PM] DetectLoot: Harvestable is tree

[04/06/2017 - 07:25:13PM] Error: Mismatched types assigning to variable named "::temp61"

stack: [alias ActiveObject183 on quest SM_DetectLootActiveObjectsQuest (7E18C34F)].foamdetectlootalias.AssessFlora() - "foamDetectLootAlias.psc" Line 295

[alias ActiveObject183 on quest SM_DetectLootActiveObjectsQuest (7E18C34F)].foamdetectlootalias.Assess() - "foamDetectLootAlias.psc" Line 111

[alias ActiveObject183 on quest SM_DetectLootActiveObjectsQuest (7E18C34F)].foamdetectlootalias.OnUpdate() - "foamDetectLootAlias.psc" Line ?

[04/06/2017 - 07:25:13PM] DetectLoot: No ingredient found



[04/06/2017 - 07:25:24PM] DetectLoot: Harvestable is flora

[04/06/2017 - 07:25:24PM] Error: Mismatched types assigning to variable named "::temp61"

stack: [alias ActiveObject082 on quest SM_DetectLootActiveObjectsQuest (7E18C34F)].foamdetectlootalias.AssessFlora() - "foamDetectLootAlias.psc" Line 286

[alias ActiveObject082 on quest SM_DetectLootActiveObjectsQuest (7E18C34F)].foamdetectlootalias.Assess() - "foamDetectLootAlias.psc" Line 111

[alias ActiveObject082 on quest SM_DetectLootActiveObjectsQuest (7E18C34F)].foamdetectlootalias.OnUpdate() - "foamDetectLootAlias.psc" Line ?

[04/06/2017 - 07:25:24PM] DetectLoot: No ingredient found


Relevant code:

    if akRefObj == None
        Debug.Trace("DetectLoot: Null object passed to harvestable assessment")
        return -1

    Form baseForm = akRefObj.GetBaseObject()
    if baseForm == none
        Debug.Trace("DetectLoot: No base form found for harvestable")
        return -1

    Ingredient refIng = none
    if (baseForm as Flora)
        Flora floraForm = baseForm as Flora
        if floraForm != none
            Debug.Trace("DetectLoot: Harvestable is flora")
            refIng = floraForm.GetIngredient()
            Debug.Trace("DetectLoot: Flora form is empty")
            return -1
    elseif (baseForm as TreeObject)
        TreeObject treeForm = baseForm as TreeObject
        if treeForm != none
            Debug.Trace("DetectLoot: Harvestable is tree")
            refIng = treeForm.GetIngredient()
            Debug.Trace("DetectLoot: Tree form is empty")
            return -1

        Debug.Trace("DetectLoot: Flora & tree casts failed")
        return -1


if refIng != none
            int wealth = AssessGenericItem(refIng)
            Debug.Trace("DetectLoot: " + akRefObj.GetDisplayName() + ": ingredient worth " + wealth)
            return wealth
            Debug.Trace("DetectLoot: No ingredient found")
            return -1

The specific code line that fails looks like the refIng assignment, but as far as I can tell all the types involved are explicitly (and successfully, since they drive the Tree/Flora debug) cast to match the ones for GetIngredient():


For Flora, taken from SKSE's Flora.psc:

Ingredient Function GetIngredient() native

For TreeObject, ditto:

Ingredient Function GetIngredient() native

Help? :sad:

Edited by foamyesque
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Ran a test with a simpler version, explicitly filled with a flora form (HangingRabbit01, specifically) to avoid any casting problems:

Flora Property testFlora Auto
Event OnBeginState()
    Ingredient testIngredient = testFlora.GetIngredient()
    if testIngredient != none
        Debug.Notification("Test ingredient found")
        Debug.Notification("Test ingredient not found")

"Test ingredient not found" shows up, and the log gives me:


[04/07/2017 - 11:27:16AM] Error: Mismatched types assigning to variable named "::temp1"
[sM_DetectLootActiveObjectsQuest (7E18C34F)].foamdetectlootactiveobjectsquest.onBeginState() - "foamDetectLootActiveObjectsQuest.psc" Line ?
[sM_DetectLootActiveObjectsQuest (7E18C34F)].foamdetectlootactiveobjectsquest.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?
[sM_DetectLootActiveObjectsQuest (7E18C34F)].foamdetectlootactiveobjectsquest.OnInit() - "foamDetectLootActiveObjectsQuest.psc" Line 18


So either the function is busted or I'm missing something really obvious in how it's supposed to work, and given how reliable SKSE is I'm quite sure it's the latter. Anyone have any ideas?

Edited by foamyesque
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Hey dude I'm self taught so probable not the best to advise you, but get Flora.GetIngredient() return a Form Value so I just change it to this.

Flora Property testFlora Auto

Event OnBeginState()

    Form testIngredient = testFlora.GetIngredient()
    if(testIngredient as Ingredient)
        Debug.Notification("Test ingredient found " + testIngredient.getName())
        Debug.Notification("Test ingredient not found")
Edited by PeterMartyr
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Hey dude I'm self taught so probable not the best to advise you, but get Flora.GetIngredient() return a Form Value so I just change it to this.

Flora Property testFlora Auto

Event OnBeginState()

    Form testIngredient = testFlora.GetIngredient()
    if(testIngredient as Ingredient)
        Debug.Notification("Test ingredient found " + testIngredient.getName())
        Debug.Notification("Test ingredient not found")


I've tried that, same result. Moreover, my Flora.psc and PapyrusFlora.h (and the CK wiki, but that's less trustworthy) claim it returns an Ingredient.

Edited by foamyesque
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Scriptname Flora extends Activator Hidden

; SKSE additions built 2015-05-24 00:46:48.937000 UTC
SoundDescriptor Function GetHarvestSound() native
Function SetHarvestSound(SoundDescriptor akSoundDescriptor) native

Form Function GetIngredient() native
Function SetIngredient(Form akIngredient) native

mine said Form, it a mystery, anywho I tried, I got nothing else. Sorry

Edited by PeterMartyr
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Scriptname Flora extends Activator Hidden

; SKSE additions built 2015-05-24 00:46:48.937000 UTC
SoundDescriptor Function GetHarvestSound() native
Function SetHarvestSound(SoundDescriptor akSoundDescriptor) native

Form Function GetIngredient() native
Function SetIngredient(Form akIngredient) native

mine said Form, it a mystery, anywho I tried, I got nothing else. Sorry



That's actually interesting. I did try to update SKSE before I did this. SKSE's version and installer match with the doc, but checking my .pex files they're still dated 2015-05-23. Could be time-zones, though. Does your script actually work on your machine?



The source files I have are much more out of date though. Need to fix that...

Edited by foamyesque
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[04/08/2017 - 04:43:47AM] (TestStart=========================================================================================
[04/08/2017 - 04:43:47AM] Test ingredient found Pheasant Breast
[04/08/2017 - 04:43:47AM] (TestEnd=========================================================================================
	Flora HangingPheasant01 = game.GetForm(0x38B0D) as Flora
    Form testIngredient = HangingPheasant01.GetIngredient()
	  if(testIngredient as Form)
        Debug.trace("Test ingredient found " + testIngredient.getName())
        Debug.trace("Test ingredient not found")

It works, I tweak the script

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