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Skyrim Containment Quest Bug


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I doubt anyone will be able to help...but I've just finished the College Of Winterhold quest Revealing the Unseen...Ananco blows us up...Savos goes flying...Mirabelle wakes me up but I never get the Containment quest...She tells me to go outside to find Savos, but he's just dead there and there isn't a crowd around him like there should be....Then her and ancano just continue to wander around the college like nothing happened.



I've done this before as a different character so I know how it's supposed to play out, I'm just not getting the quest at all...I've trying dragging him in front of people.....Spawning college members next to his body....I've even used multiple console commands to try to restart or activate the quest, but nothing is working.



Please someone help me out!

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