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Modded game crashes on start up


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Hi again, i tried your steps and this time the game loaded and crashed about 10 seconds into the first cut scene, then the game tabs out while the sound still plays and a crash fixes message come up saying that skrim has failed to allocate memory.

many thanks

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nothing I can do about the memory issue. Sounds like you either don't have enough memory, or you have too many things running in the background.

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While some memory issues are indeed simply due to hardware and/or operation system limitations, there are some things that can be done.


The way is to look into different ini settings.

Check your SKSE.ini (located in Skyrim/data/SKSE).

It should exist (i it doesn't, create a simple text file e.g. with the Windows text editor and name it "SKSE.ini").

In the SKSE.ini file, you should have at least these lines for a basic install:



defaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 <--- Can be raised up to 1280 if needed. Increase in steps of 128, do some testing after each increase.
scrapHeapSizeMB=256 <-- Don't change this.

Be careful when using an ENB: If you raise "defaultHeapInitialAllocMB" above the default 768, you must set ExpandSystemMemoryX64= to "false" in your enblocal.ini (in the Skyrim/ root folder). Otherwise you WILL crash.


Since you're obviously using "crash fixes", doublecheck you followed the installation instructions on the "Crash fixes" page.

For the beginning, I'd recommend NOT to use the preloading method explained on the page. Simply install "Crash fixes", make sure you got the SKSE.ini and enblocal.ini settings mentioned above any your game SHOULD start...

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