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Weapon Cultivation


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I am Not sure if this already exists or not, but i couldn't find anything. So i decided to make a request.


To me, aesthetics are important. As well as getting to chose my own weapon. Personally, i think Daedric and Dragonbone weapons are hideous!

So what if my favorite bow in the game is a regular wooden longbow? (it's not, but what if!!) after about level 5 its almost completely useless. you will find a better bow almost anywhere in Skyrim.

which is why i would like to ask.. no beg! for someone to create a system that allows our weapons to cultivate. To grow stronger with each use!~

I have no idea how this would work, or how to even accomplish this task. However, i one day dream to see the blood of my enemies devoured by my weapon in its path to greatness! or maybe the weapon absorbs the souls of its victims, much like the dragon born does to dragons. I don't know, but it think it would be pretty freaking awesome.


For those who would say, "why not do it yourself you lazy bum!" i regretfully must reply. I am by no means adept in any aspect that involves a computer. if something goes wrong with my desktop, my skill set stops at simply restarting it.. anything past that, and i have to get a real man ( or women) to look at it.


also, if anyone perhaps wanted to make a wooden bow similar to how Spriggans looks. I would be truly overjoyed if you would share that with me.


Sincerely, a hopeful gamer. Kerflarf

Edited by kerflarf
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