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Crash after loading screen


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Hi im new to modding but i added a lot of mods by now and the problem is i cant start the game anymore its like 75% chance to crash whenever i load a new zone my papyrus log doesnt help me much either since it just says some items from USLEEP are missing and i dunno how to get it working again i sopent almost all evening with this troubleshooting and i cant seem to find a way to fix it can somebody maybe help me?

update: i think it has something to do with this file i marked i dunno what to do though

since i cant upload pics of all my mods ill send them in a little text below

A Classier BB Luxury Suite - A Classier BB Luxury Suite V5-2 Full 2k Res
A dentist for Orsimers - HD teeth retexture
a little sexy apparel replacer with LSAR Addon
A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads - A Quality World Map 9.0.1 - Vivid with Stone Roads
Adult Toys Merchant - NSFW - Calypsia the Adult Toys Merchant v1-5
Alternate Start - Live Another Life - Alternate Start - Live Another Life
Amazing Caves - Adult - Amazing Caves
aMidianBorn Steel Armor - aMidianBorn steel RC4
Amiella - A 4K Retexture - 4096 textures
Amiella Outfit - UNP and UNPB - Amiella Outfit 1_3
ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_6_Full
ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5
ApachiiSkyHair natural Retexture - ApachiiSkyHair a NATURAL retexture - UPDATE
Armor from Spriggan Wood _ Sexy lore friendly CBBE armor - Main file with physics HDT
Arousing Armors II - Dawnguard Edition - Revealing Female Armors CHSBHC BBP - Bandit 2
Banded Iron Bikini v2 - Banded Iron Bikini ver2.03
Bathing Beauties or Beefcake - Luxury Suite - Bathing Beauties or Beefcake Luxury Suite 6-2
Battle Maidens Loadscreens - Battle Maidens Loadscreens 1.3
Better Shape Creature
Better Vampires 7.95
Bijin NPCs - Bijin NPCs v1.2
Bijin Wives - Bijin Wives v1.1
BodyChange - A Multi-Bodyshape System - Bodychange English
BodySlide and Outfit Studio
btasqan Hawt HDT Physics
Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
Caranthir Tower Reborn - Caranthir Tower Reborn - 2.2
CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly Mod - CHSBHC-Body-Physics-ModV2-4-1
Cinematic Lighting ENB - CLENB - by HD6 - ENB-HD6-Cinematic-Lighting-v11-3
Climates Of Tamriel-V
Cloaks of Skyrim - Cloaks of Skyrim 1-2
Daylight Ring for vampires- Dawnguard edition - Daylight Ring- Dawnguard Edition
Deadly Mutilation - dismemberment blood and gore - Deadly Mutilation V1_3_3 CORE
Deviously Cursed Loot
DIMONIZED UNP female body - UNP BASE Main body V1dot2
Dragon Break Episodes 1 and 2 - Bad Wolf and The infinity engine - DB 1 and 2 V 3
Draugr Skirts UNP UNPB CBBE and BBP Variants - DraugrSkirts_UNP
Dwarven Bikini Armor - Dwarven bikini armor v1.1 Main file 7BO body type
Edhildils Meridia Statue - Edhildils Meridia statue
Edhildils Sexy Azura Statue - Edhildils Sexy Azura Statue 1_2
Elvenia - UNPBO TBBP
Empyrean Warpaints - Custom Series (female) - Empyrean CS 2.0
Enhanced Blood Textures
Enhanced Character Edit
Enhanced Lights and FX
EstrusForSkyrim - EstrusForSkyrimV120
Extensible Follower Framework - Extensible Follower Framework v4-0-2
Fair Skin Complexion - Fair Skin Complexion for UNP v9.2
Fancy Bows - Fancy Bows
Female Enemy Monster Aesthetics Leveled Encounters
Female Facial Animation - Female Facial Animation 1_5
Female running and walking animation - Female running and walking animation none BBP
FNIS Sexy Move - FNIS Sexy Move 6.1
Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Behavior V6_3
FPS Limiter - FPS Limiter
FullScreenWindowedMode - FullScreenWindowedMode
Glorious Perspiration - CBBE - 2048
HDT Bounce and Jiggles CBBE Edition - Bounce and Jiggles 7.8 - CBBE Curvy HDT With HDT Vagina - Mesh Only
HDT Bounce and Jiggles CBBE Edition - Bounce and Jiggles 7.8b - CBBE Textures Patch
HDT Bounce and Jiggles CBBE Edition - Bounce and Jiggles 7.8b - Porcelain Pale Vampire Skin For Females Patch
HDT Bounce and Jiggles CBBE Edition - Bounce and Jiggles 7.8b Required XML Kit
HDT HighHeels System - hdtHighHeel_beta0_5
HDT Physics Extensions - HDT Physics Extensions
Henry's Ring of Light - All-In-One Installer
Hermaeus Mora Priestess Armor - Hermaeus Mora Priestess Armor by comvex
Hoddminir Plants and Trees - Hoddminir Plants and trees 2048 (Pay-for-mod version)
Honed Metal -NPC Crafting and Enchanting services- - Honed Metal
Immersive Armors - Immersive Armors v8
Immersive Weapons - Immersive Weapons
Japan Home Purchase - Japan Home Purchase
Kissing - Immersive Lover's Comfort - Immersive Lovers Comfort 0_5 EN
KS Hairdos - HDT Physics - KS Hairdos - HDT Physics
KS Hairdos - Renewal - KS Hairdos Renewal
KS Hairdos - Renewal Breast Weight Painted Hair - KShairdos Breast Weight Painted Hair
Legendary Armors - Bikini - Legendary Armors - Bikini Complete V2.2 (includes esps for light and heavy)
Legendary Armors - DeserterX Collection - Legendary Armors - The DeserterX Collection
Mikan Eyes - MikanEyes v2.5
Moniko the Tattooed Beauty - Moniko - CBBE
Monno's Bikini - CBBE - BodySlide - UUNP - HDT - Monno's Bikini
Neo Lei Fang N Christie - UNPB - BBP
NetImmerse Override - NetImmerse Override v3-4-4
New Spell - Strip NPCs - Strip Spell version 0_2
Nocturnal Ghost Clothes -CBBE version- - Nocturnal Ghost Clothes CBBE for CBBE v3 BBP
Orc female Animations - Orc female animations
OSA - Skyrim Ascendancy Engine - OSA 1.085B
OSex - 0SEX 1.084J
Paradise Halls - Skyrim Slavery WIP - paradise_halls-0-7-31
Paradise Halls - Slaver's Hideout Add-On - Slavers Hideout V1-4-0
Phitt's Sheogorad Resource - Part One - Phitt's Sheogorad Resource - Part One
Piercings UNP - Piercings 1.42 UNP
Polished and Sexy nocturnal statue - Polished and Sexy nocturnal statue less shiny
Porcelain Pale Vampire Skin For Females and Males -Most Body Types Supported- - Porcelain Skin UNP and Vanilla Basic -Also use for SeveNBase and Dreamgirl
Pretty Assassin Companion Ari - Companion_Ari_CBBE
Pretty Combat Animations
R18Pn 08 - Lingerie Set for CBBE or 7BSeveNBase UNP - R18Pn 08 - Lingerie Set for CBBE
RaceMenu - Overlays Plugin v2-5-0
RaceMenu - RaceMenu v3-4-5
RaceMenu Overlay Compilation - RaceMenu Overlay Compilation - UNP Version
Real Shelter - Full Release - Real Shelter
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
Realistic Water Two
SED7 Accessoire Piercingset for CBBE3 and Bettermales - SED7 Allin1 Hotfixed1_4 singleESP
Seductive Lips HD - Seductive Lips HD
Seranaholic - Seranaholic v1.8
SerialStrip v1.0.4
Serious HD Retexture Skyrim - Serious hd retexture Skyrim LANDSCAPE 2K 3.0 beta
SeveNBase a custom FemaleBodyReplacer - SeveNBase Bombshell BIKINI by Sevennity
SexLab Tools v3.0
sexy idle Animation
Sexy Mara statue - Sexy Mara statue 1_2
Sexy Sporty Body CBBE Preset Skyrim Edition - Sexy Sporty Body CBBE Preset 1.0 Skyrim Edition
SG Female Eyebrows - SG Female Eyebrows
SG Female Textures Renewal - SG Textures Renewal UNP
Sharpshooters Extreme Graphics ENB - Sharpshooter enb V5
ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer - ShowRaceMenu PreCacheKiller 1_3
Skimpy Armor Set UNP UNPB WIP - Replacer and Standalone - UNPB Main File
Skse ini File-12923-v1
SKSE ini pre-download for lazy users - INI settings
Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Skyrim Flora Overhaul v2.5b
Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - COMPLETE FULL
SL Defeat v5.3.5
Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower - Sofia Follower v.2.4 (BSA)
Sofia Customizer Redux - CBBE
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Steadfast Three Sisters - Steadfast Zoe Follower - Custom Voiced
Steel Bikini Armor V2 - Steel Bikini Armor 7BO v2
Succubus Race
The Book of UUNP Bodyslide - UNP - Sevenbase - The Book of UUNP - The Only File You need here
The Eyes Of Beauty - The Eyes Of Beauty PLAYER
THEHAGs Privat Tattoos for UNP - UNPB - BladeSinger-THEHAGs privat tattoos for RaceMenu-Overlays
Total Character Makeover
Tropical Islands realoaded - Tropical Islands reloaded main file 1.1
TropicalIsland - TropicalIsland
UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Dawnguard AddOn
UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Dragonborn AddOn
UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Heartfire AddOn
UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul
UIExtensions - UIExtensions v1-2-0
Ultra Skimpy armor for UNP UNPB
Uncle Wikki Wikki's Rocks - Wikki Wikki
Underground Bathhouse and Paradise Valley
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch - Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Vampire Face Less Sunken Cheeks - Vampire Face Less Sunken for females
Visuals and graphics
Visuals and graphics
XP32 Maximum Skeleton
Weapons and armour sets
Attached Thumbnails


WOW it actually took me 30 minutes to get those mods in my text would be nice if someone could help me :smile:

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Unfortunately, Papyrus is not very helpful when you're trying to run down the cause of a crash on load. The most common cause of a crash right after the loading screen is a missing master. A master file could be a DLC, or it could be another mod. My best suggestion is to use TES5Edit. Open TES5Edit and leave everything checked. Then, let TES5Edit try to load all your mods. Keep an eye on the Messages tab. If there's a problem, TES5Edit will stop and tell you what it is. Fix that problem, then repeat the process.


You might also find it helpful to use Wrye Bash to create a Bashed patch so that the various leveled lists will play nicely together. Install and open Wyre Bash, then use the help icon at the bottom left-hand corner to learn how to set up a Bashed patch.


I hope that you get everything sorted out. Modding your game is as much an art as it is a science. Good luck! :smile:

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As for cleaning: Use LOOT. It will tell you, which mods need cleaning and may also suggest how to do this sometimes. Be careful: Some "dirty" edits are intentional and shouldn't be removed. LOOT will in most cases tell you this. In general, you SHOULD clean the official DLCs and maybe on or tow mods that contain dirty edits.


Since you mentioned CTDs on loading something, you could try "Continue game no crash": http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78557/?


The game can only handle a certain amount of data (especially large mods and animations). If you reach a certain "threshold", CTDs on loading will become more frequent. In the final stage of this process, your savegames will be unloadable. This is a limitation of the game engine. Looking at your load order, you got a lot of mods in general and also a lot of animations and script heavy stuff. So you might run into this memory problem. If that's really the cause of your crashes, "Continue game no crash" will solve the issue. If it doesn't, it's something else.

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As for cleaning: Use LOOT. It will tell you, which mods need cleaning and may also suggest how to do this sometimes. Be careful: Some "dirty" edits are intentional and shouldn't be removed. LOOT will in most cases tell you this. In general, you SHOULD clean the official DLCs and maybe on or tow mods that contain dirty edits.


Since you mentioned CTDs on loading something, you could try "Continue game no crash": http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78557/?


The game can only handle a certain amount of data (especially large mods and animations). If you reach a certain "threshold", CTDs on loading will become more frequent. In the final stage of this process, your savegames will be unloadable. This is a limitation of the game engine. Looking at your load order, you got a lot of mods in general and also a lot of animations and script heavy stuff. So you might run into this memory problem. If that's really the cause of your crashes, "Continue game no crash" will solve the issue. If it doesn't, it's something else.

that couldve actually fixed it for me lol well i just reinstalled all mods and it works just fine but thanks for the help :)

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i just looked at my wyre bashj and it shows to mods that i cant get to be green



Zoe Follower.esp


You can always hover over the mods in Wrye Bash and read why they are marked in orange or red. In most cases, you can ignore orange, but you will have to take care of mods marked in red.

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