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Nuka-World CTD Issue


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I have exhausted all options I can think of to fix this so I'm here to see if any of you have a thought I missed.

I can go anywhere in FO4 except NW and I can't figure out why.

Have checked all mod pages for possible issues, none found. Had game crash and burn on me 4 months ago so did full reload, new mods, everything was working great. Focused on killing and building for the most part since then, some quests but not a lot. So today, 4-7-17, thought I'd go take a look at NW. Haven't been back there since the crash.

I get on train, get to third tree on right of monorail, CTD. Hmm, is this glitch or issue?

Try again, same results. Tried FH, no issues. Even went to some add on location mods, no probs. Only NW.

I can't remember, is there a quest to be done beforehand or what cause I'm at lvl 111 so I know its not that.

I even get off the train and try to walk into NW and still CTD's on me. Would appreciate any thoughts on the matter greatly.


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By any chance are you using the Water Enhanced texture mod? If yes, go to your Data/Textures/Water folder and look for the file: WaterTileHumpy_n.DDS


Rename that file to something else like putting a letter or number at the start of the filename...just rename it to something else to the game won't read it. Then try riding the monorail again. If you use Water Enhanced, this file will cause the CTD in that particular location. Renaming it so the game doesn't load it resolves it. At least that did it for me when I had the same issue and I use that texture mod.

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It was the water MOD for me. Uninstalled the revalidated throught steam and it fixed the issuem


Edit: never tried renaming the file

Just in case it didn't work, I wanted to be able to revert to using the file and figured just renaming it so it wouldn't load was the easiest thing. After a quick search on the Googles I found that someone on the Steam forums (think that's where I found it) was able to pinpoint it to that specific issue. No idea how you could find out it was that specific normal texture but that was it.

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RedRocketTV, I'm not using that water mod but I am using Vivid Waters so I'll chk that and see if it has that file as well. I'll try anything at this point. lol


EDIT Only files in my water folder are Defaultwater and VW_Water sooo imma guess it ain't there. heh

Thanks for the suggestion though

Edited by Cybordania
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RedRocketTV, after trying some more "tricks" including making new toon and trying to enter NW, failed btw, I was drawn back to your idea of a file within a folder instead of a mod being the issue.

Soooo, long story short, went thru all retex mods 5 at a time and found it. Turns out its a better flames mod that is no longer on the NMM. Not gonna get rid of it though and re-naming files didn't fix but if I remember to disable plug-in all works well. (Really like the way it makes flames look real! lol)

Anyway, Thank You again for your help and suggestion that pushed me in right direction.

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