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Clothes & armors, to be sexy or to be protected ? That's the q


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...estion ! *grumbles* Title too big ? Pfe...



So... Sorry, but I'm sure a lot of you won't like this, but... Why do you always think that sexy means skimpy / showing a lot of parts of the body ? Best and most detailled mod as a sample : Killer_Keos_Skimpy Armor. So, okay, we see lots of nice work, it's pretty well done, but... Damn ! Those armors are not protecting anymore ! Look at the leather armor ! o_O It's not an armor, it's a prostitute's suit. :s And I won't speak about the panties... If you are, like me, using CBBE bodies or CHSBHC's ones, lots of the armors will allow you to see what is hanging between your legs ! Males and females ! Damn... I know there are a lot of perverts, here, and I won't complain since I can't say I'm not one, but... Damn ! Couldn't we get a NICE mod which adapt the vanilla's armors to the CBBE and/or CHSBHC bodies WITHOUT BEING SO SKIMPY / ridiculously almost nuded ?


I played on a lot of different games... And always it was the same problems... You, guys, especially from Japan & USA, are confusing "sexy" with "revealing". Hey, sexy doesn't mean to show your tits/panties' bulge ! Sexy could mean to show you have nice curves without showing anything ! Imagination is the best ally for being sexy ! A beautiful girl with a nice button-down shirt (don't know if they are the right words) is far sexier than a girl with little stars on the nipples. :s



So, please... Couldn't we get a gentle moder who is able to create armors which are looking fine AND protective ? Please ? My wish was that Killer_Keos, who is really talented, accepted to create alternative armors, less revealing ones. But it seems it won't be done. So... Where is my hero, my savior ?



OH, and another important thing : Who will create new armors for the MALES ? You know we already have splendid mods for the males (even the nude ones... *stupid giggle with some saliva falling from her lips*) but there are still not enough of creators willing to create the meshes/textures matching with them.



Guys ! Think about it ! There are girls who are playing too ! Girls who could give you so much endorsements (and maybe some other things *ponders*).


*Bows* Thank you for having read and sorry for my english






PS : For those who will surely ask me to learn to mod by mysel,f, etc. First, I don't have any good softwares for reading any files of the game (the textures, for example), and the most part of the softwares needed for that are expensive or really hard to use (at first). Then, I'm a writer, not a designer... I'm a dreamer, not a creator (unless we see writers as creators). So thank you to understand that.

Edited by Sibyllina
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I agree that skimpy does not mean sexy. DizzasterJuice did a good job mixing the 2 but most seem to want skimpy revealing more skin less armor. But you are wrong about not having the software to do your own. The Gimp and Blender are both freeware and can be used to create your own.
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I was about to post a request for this. So true, my sexiness conceptual brother or sister! Armors should be CBBE (not moving) and clothes CHSBHC with a lower scale (.6 or .7; BBP scale fixes the outrageous scales of CHSBHC has).

Sadly, we'll go unheard, just proving that no matter what, there's a big portion of the modding community that's either actually or mentally somewhere in between 12 and 16 years old. :(


@jet4571: not all of us have the knowledge or time to mod. Some can bare scratch a couple hours a week to play Skyrim (And half of it finding, updating and applying mods!).


PS: That "actually or mentally somewhere in between 12 and 16 years old" is meant as a substitute phrase for "Immature". I'm not insulting anybody.

Edited by jhondidfool
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I totaly agree with you!

But the community does not want realistic armor and bodies it seems....


My hope goes with UNP bodies which doesnt has super big watermellon boobs.. The author created some very nice bodies there. I think there will come some really realistic armor..

For CBBE I dont expect that, since the body is a porn barbie doll model :-/

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This topic has been debated to death so I won't go there. What I'll say instead is that cutting pieces off an armor to make it skimpy takes about 5 minutes whereas making a nicely detailed full suit of armor with textures can take hours or days. Anyone can do the first one, not many can do the second. It's why those sets are such a rare treat.



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Sadly, we'll go unheard, just proving that no matter what, there's a big portion of the modding community that's either actually or mentally somewhere in between 12 and 16 years old. :(


Did I just understand you correctly? I'm mentally between 12 and 16 years old because female characterrs in my game are decently protected and doesn't have boobs all over the place?

Edited by GisleAune
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Sadly, we'll go unheard, just proving that no matter what, there's a big portion of the modding community that's either actually or mentally somewhere in between 12 and 16 years old. :(


Did I just understand you correctly? I'm mentally between 12 and 16 years old because female characterrs in my game are decently protected and doesn't have boobs all over the place?



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This topic has been debated to death so I won't go there. What I'll say instead is that cutting pieces off an armor to make it skimpy takes about 5 minutes whereas making a nicely detailed full suit of armor with textures can take hours or days. Anyone can do the first one, not many can do the second. It's why those sets are such a rare treat.



If people are able to create new bodies so easily, to change the meshes doesn't seem THAT hard (for them !). To do the armors matching the bodies doesn't mean as much work as to create new armors : you only have to change some measurement like the breast, the hips, sometimes the muscles from the arms and legs. It doesn't need to "create" new parts, only adapting.


So, really, when you see that people are able to create bodies like the CHSBHC, with lots of nice features, I'm SURE that there are people able to do those "tweaks" on the most commun armors !



Moreover, that's not because it has been "debated to death" that we should keep quiet. Even if to remove some parts of a texture is easy, that's not what everybody want.


I'm right ? That's not what YOU want ? :s Because I don't feel protected with my bra goes out of my armor ! It's like a target for the ennemies ! "hit there, it's round, big, soft and unprotected !"

Edited by Sibyllina
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Sadly, we'll go unheard, just proving that no matter what, there's a big portion of the modding community that's either actually or mentally somewhere in between 12 and 16 years old. :(


Did I just understand you correctly? I'm mentally between 12 and 16 years old because female characterrs in my game are decently protected and doesn't have boobs all over the place?


Quite the opposite.

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I'm learning to model so... if I ever figure out how Skyrim-Nifskope-Blender interactions work, you can expect a lot more realistic armours and clothes. ETA 3 months... :rolleyes: (That's my painfully optimistic ETA. The real one is probably 6 months... ) Edited by ooofbaer
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