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Martin always dies: Defense of Bruma


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In theory area effect healing/shield spells would be an option, but what in fact happens is you wind up healing/shielding enemies as well (kind of counter-productive).


Before I went with custom on touch spells I tried making it through with some vanilla on target spells, but you run into the same problem as area spells ... probably 1/3 of my casts hit an enemy rather than Martin as they jostled about in combat (and some of the others either missed all together or hit allies other than Martin, leaving Martin with less than half the spell casts successful).


Strong healing plus shield in one spell, with enough duration that my character's magicka would support two casts or more before I needed to chug a restore/fortify magicka potion (so each cast about 70 to 75% of my magicka pool), and on touch so none were wasted.


When/if my current character ever gets around to doing the Main Quest (Alternate Start for this character ... so far he's just Joe average citizen in a Cyrodiil untouched by crisis) I have developed some very effective offensive on touch spells (my guy is master at sneak and so far I mostly use them when dungeon diving/night time prowling). Martin will think he's a God before the Great gate even opens as enemies collapse and then die at his feet (with my guy coincidentally standing behind them each time, with a smug smile on his face).

Edited by Striker879
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