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Fallout 4 Optimization and Performance Systems Explained

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From what I can tell the physics should be fine (though possibly not the swaying, I haven't played much with trees). All the collision info is stored in the CELLID_Physics.nif* (except when it's stored in the individual precombined, because reasons), so you'll still get collision even without the original mesh for it to pull from. There's actually some vanilla static collections that are in prcombineds but don't have the original static collection nif anywhere in the .ba2s.


You do have to be careful with previs of course. One thing that might work if you want to exclude the trees from previs calcs is to move those precombined meshes to another folder before you calculate previs so the CK doesn't see them, then move them back so they get packed.


*Which is really the only reason you couldn't just edit the nifs directly if you wanted instead of generating new ones. It'd be incredibly tedious unless you were just changing one or two things, but if not for the physics.nif it'd be doable.

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I've been considering setting up a separate install strictly for CK work with only the assets I create and use in loose folders.


The amount of assets I've been making and using has grown exponentially so it's probably time to spin them off into their own dev environment.


With the increase of the worldspace edits I see doing, I'll feel better knowing I'm only working with my own assets being read and not having assets from other mods potentially contaminating my workflow.

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Folks, I've been informed from a reliable source that a new update to the CK to support some ESL format has broken the ability to flag ESP files as a master, therefore making any precoms patches will be useless as apparently you will end up with corrupted files. I am not sure if at this stage you can rename the extension to ESM to get around this. Idk anything else for that matter, but I will update if I find out anything more.


This would be about the last ass-f'ing I'd be willing to take from Beth if this problem doesn't get resolved. I've already decided to drop all my cell-editing mod just to keep performance, losing the ability to patch would make me want to move on to other games.

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It should only affect it if you save the patch in the CK. if you edit the plugin in xEdit to set masters, it should still be there when you upload it, since it doesn't save any changes to the plugin just loading up.

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I have not tried to make a precalc generation patch and then setting the master afterwards (after the damage is done in CK). This has worked for other projects however, I'm not sure if it can apply here?
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Well, the only time I can see needing to set a mater for precalc patches is if one of the mods adds custom assets that are factored into prcombined meshes. Anything else should be renferenced from the vanilla archives, and placement will be handled by the base plugins at runtime.

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Every time I've made patches for mods, regardless of content being vanilla or not, if a mod hasn't been a master when making the patch, it fills with orphaned records for the generation. But as said, I have not tried setting the master afterwards in xEdit (or at least I don't remember trying.)

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I've not seen that cause issues in game. I have a patch between one of my mods, and Elianora's Rockin Red Rocket. I never added the masters in xEdit, and it functions as intended. I even used that as an example in my precalc tutorial video. It's possible that the master data gets baked into the precalc, and automatically references the required plugins. I'll have to check that out.

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We've discussed a lot about adding precalc data, but I'm wondering what the best practice is for removing it.


Is it as simple as just removing the cell record from the mod in xEdit? If that was done, is there a chance the data would still be read from the archive since it would still be present in it? The reason I'm asking: been using the FROST FPS fix mod which regenerates the precalc data for cells in which FROST disables it. That's pretty much the entire Commonwealth. There are some serious visibility issues in and around the Malden Center/Suinkhole Gullet area that seem to be related to missing or incomplete previs data in the FIX mod with the usual items blinking in and out syndrome. The meshes are still there because there are multiple invisible objects you walk into.


If I wanted to remove the previs/precombine data for the effected cells, what would be the best method of doing that? Conversely, is it possible to track down what the actual problem is from the xEdit data? I'd like to give the mod author a direction to look at, but would also like to figure it out for my own "edumacation." I'm sure you guys have discussed it in the past, but my monkey brain isn't familiar enough with xEdit or the data to know what I should be looking for.


EDIT: Nevermind. Said monkey brain just found some info right on the first page of this thread that might help with what I was asking. :facepalm:

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