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Fallout 4 Optimization and Performance Systems Explained

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yes I updated is that a problem? I may have a backup of an old one on another drive.


Edit: I'm also going to get you some screen of Jamaica Plain. The vanilla bug is almost not noticeable unless your standing in the right spot but it's there and my patch exaggerates it and makes it much worse. Everything I've tried to fix it has failed epicly.

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I'm getting strange crashes with my gens in the new versions. I don't understand it. I can verify a file working after generation in game then leave the area and come back and my esps will just crash the game until removed. Some just crash the game outright. I've got some testers telling me they don't work at all, whereas others are fine.


I can only point at the newer Cks, there are no obvious errors otherwise.


BTW I sent you a pm about that spot in Jamaica Plains. If you got a screenshot of the exact location of the bug, please post.

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Wanted to post a bunch of hidden INI settings related (or maybe related) to this system while I was looking into the INI generated by saveini. Just for future reference



bZPrePass=1 ;was nunched with the next 2, can't remember but this was bought up before somewhere
bCullingBatch=0 ;Don't think this is actual related. Was down under BendableSpline settings
bPreCullActors=1 ;In conjunction with previs?
bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion=1 ;?
bDisplayBoundingVolumes=0 ;?

Speculation welcome :D

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I'm starting to suspect that the optimization and pre-combined system that beth originally used is not better then what we have gotten but is the same, the only difference is they generated the pre-combineds before adding a lot of the furniture and other objects which we can't do. The fact that all these objects are in place are the reason why our newly generated Pre-Combineds are so much larger then the vanilla ones.


I have no hard data on this and at this point it's only speculation but here is why I suspect this to be true.


Outside of of the objects I've pointed out that have changed custom material swaps or alpha channels when Pre-Combineds are broken. Many pieces of furniture mostly distressed ruined furniture and kitchen cabinets and appliances also get changed custom material swaps when new Pre-Combined Meshes are generated for a cell.


I'm not talking about material swaps changed in the extras tab but the ones applied in the model window itself.


A prime example of this is if you generate new Pre-Combined Meshes for RedRocketCaveExt the first vanilla house (two story open world one) and go into the kitchen you'll see that the cabinets and appliances no longer look like they did in vanilla, their colors will change due to being now included in your new Pre-Combined meshes.


I noticed this because I don't ever use clean furniture, I'm vary matchy matchy with my kitchens but after doing my Beantown Optimization Patch countless times I noticed that I suddenly had mismatched kitchens and squeaky clean destruction.


To fix this I had to go back to every cell I've edited and swap out all the destroyed furniture for clean and set the material swap in the extras tab. Example the blue kitchen cabinets are the only ones that don't use a custom swap in the model window so I had to use the blue ones and set the swap in the extras tab to the texture I wanted.


I've tried to use the layer system to exclude objects from Pre-Combineds but turning off a layer didn't make any difference but, Beth may have had some system in place to exclude objects when regenerating Pre-Combinds. (Example would be I've noticed if I don't or haven't let a cell fully render some objects will not be included and I get glitches but this is hit or miss maybe hiding objects with the 1,1 would keep them out of new Pre-Combindes but I haven't tested that yet.)


I have images If you guys want to see examples, I'm more of a visual guy, it's kind of my job to notice details, so I notice this type of stuff. :dance:

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CK generated files are larger because they are different, you can read more here https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/7jwk6e/project_optimization_for_skyrim_special_edition/dra4oz7/


I don't have FO4 installed to test, but I suppose you can exclude some objects from precombines generation by installing a temp package that will replace some base object nifs with empty ones. Or a temp esm plugin which will redirect base object model paths to nonexistent models, or delete particular references in cells to be even more precise. Though this will probably add it as a master to your plugin after generation, so you'll need to "Clean masters" in FO4Edit afterwards.

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My concern really wasn't the size of the Pre-Combined meshes we generate but, more the objects that loose their material swaps. The cleaning script you created works well and even gets my Optimization patch file size reduced enough that it's practical to use on the XB1. Before cleaning the patch was approximately 900mb, after cleaning it was reduced to approximately 400mb.


I did think of deleting objects in a temp version of my mod to use for Pre-Combined generation. This would be vary simple for me because I use the layer system extensively when building my stuff. I could simply select all in my furniture layer and delete but, that seemed like a pain. Instead I decided to go through and replace all the dirty objects with clean and use the swap in the extras tab so they would stick during generation.


I'll read the link and thanks for providing it, I rarely look at reddit I just think that place is mostly a cesspool so it's not on my radar.

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Chucksteel is correct. I have found that if you put objects that have material swaps in their own Layer, and then disable and hide those objects before generating precombines, then enable, and unhide them... Their material swaps won't be affected.

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