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Fallout 4 Optimization and Performance Systems Explained

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Interesting, I'll give it a try.


My current game is the first time I had ever gone down there before killing Kellogg and was shocked. It does seem to be being caused by the BoS fortifications that get enabled or by the destroyed version of the Prydwen but, those shouldn't be included in the Pre-Combined system. They are all persistent ref's.


The occlusions just really annoyed me so I tried and fail to fix it. :wallbash:

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Might be a stupid question but has someone tried excluding an SCOL from mesh generation by disabling it, then re-enabling it before generating previs so it gets taken into account without being part of precombination?


I have that weird edge case and am unsure if I should try to find another way around the issue that any applied MSWP will disappear in a precombined mesh.

Edited by payl0ad
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See the edit - I have the SCOL done and placed in a very specific way, it's a fairly large structure that looks wonky without its MSWP because I used some tricks on it, to get the textures right. So I'd like to exclude it from precombination (to not have to mess with materials afterwards, because precombination reverts all material swaps) but have it included in previs.

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I’d say it’s worth a shot, I disable objects all the time to keep them out of pre-combined. I always clean my new pre-combined because of Xbox and when I go back to generate visibility I don’t bother disabling them again. I’ve never noticed any issues or benefits, most of what I disable are small objects, done for the same reason. The material swap change.
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If it's just a few placed references, you can also use the newest version of nifskope (v2 dev 7) to edit the precombined mesh so it uses the right material. Jonwd7 updated it in December to, among other things, let you edit CK-generated precombineds.

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And to answer your question, yes. Disabling a reference excludes it from precombination. A while back I was helping Elianora figure out an indoor space, and found that disabling objects before precombining the cell excludes those objects, and preserves their MSWP, but as VlitS said, you can always correct that in the mesh with Nifskope. Though I prefer treating precalc like LOD generation. It should be up to the user to create precalc patches based on their load order to fix conflicts. Correcting the MSWP in the mesh would be beneficial if the user is going to use your precalc (which is probably the majority of users).

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@Trosski its a pity this generation of users are less competent (yet more self entitled then ever), I see mod authors talking about Levelled lists having to be scripted always now due to simple conflict which users are not inclined to fix themselves for example, which is the easiest damn thing to patch up (and my preference to do so manually). Asking them to do precalc? My god the horror, how dare you. I share your sentiment though ;)
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I recently shared a quick break down of how to create precalc on one of my mod's comment section, because some people were complaining about conflicts, and the response was actually positive. They also watched my tutorial video. I think the main problem with this system is it's intimidation factor. It looks like a daunting task at first, but once you unwrap the package, and look at it a little bit, it is actually a pretty simple process. it of course has it's quirks... just like all Bethesda things, but if anyone wants to be able to mod their games with a good number of mods, and have a stable build, then they need to be familiar with the various tools, and patching processes.


It also doesn't help that the community has been split between here, and Beth.net. I don't know how many threads I have posted in telling people that if they want to understand this system, then this is the thread they need to be reading.

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I ran some tests recently, running previs only and getting rid of precombineds. Turns out that at least least downtown, precombineds providing more performance boost than Vis itself, or at least the precombineds offer better Vis calculation.


In another test with both off completely, I was able to record a whopping 70000 draw calls before it gave out and ctd.


The reason for my testing was to see if I could viably eliminate precombineds altogether. But seems to me, just running precombineds and turning previs off, causes the game to become very unstable. Anyway just some trivia for yous

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