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Nifskope -> Blender 2.49b -> Blender 2.6 -> Blender 2.49b


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Ah, and it cut my heading. (Why doesn't the box just prevent you typing more?) The heading was meant to read: "Nifskope -> Blender 2.49b -> Blender 2.6 -> Blender 2.49b -> Nifskope -> Skyrim. Possible?"


If one can export .nifs from Nifskope and import them into Blender 2.49b, is it possible to then export from Blender 2.49b to Blender 2.6 through .obj format, make whatever changes one needs to make to a mesh, and then reverse this process, so that the file is then usable in Skyrim?


I'd prefer to work in Blender 2.6 rather than 2.49b.

Edited by ooofbaer
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And the skies opened and the Blender gods smiled down at me. Thank you, redxavier, you get kudos just for being the one to give me the good news. Edited by ooofbaer
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