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About redxavier

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  1. This is really great stuff. I'm interested in overhauling the whole Oxygen system as well. Ultimately my aim is to have a high starting base that slowly diminishes over time and with actions, to be replenished by using oxygen tanks or return to breathable areas. Spacesuits would increase or decrease your starting base, depending on their quality, and the best suits would have some small O2 regen. Some of my notes and findings so far on those you did not cover above. ;use this to increase overall oxygen value, default value is 100. setgs fAVDOxygenBase 200 ;not tested this one fully yet, but default value is 1 setgs fAVDOxygenMult 0.1 ;would think this would be the regen rate but haven't seen this really affect anything yet (not at 1 at least), though I'm trying this even lower value next time, default is 4 setgs fOxygenRestoreRate 0.01 ;been using this one for a while and think it works to lower the effect of sprinting, default is 1.05, not sure of the difference between this and fSprintOxygenDrainMult? setgs fSprintOxygenEndBase 0.05 ;used to lower the effect of jumping on oxygen, default is 5, so lower the less it costs setgs fJumpMinimumOxygenSpend 1 ;multplier for climbing up and over objects, default value is 5 setgs fMantlingOxygenMult 1 ;multiplier for oxygen use when overencumbered, default value was 3 setgs fRunningOxygenEncumberedMult 1.0 Below are additional items not previously mentioned with default values (though some of these are suspect since they were pulled from a source which had differences from the actual .esm defaults). fOxygenBlockBase = 0 fOxygenBlockDmgMult = 0 fOxygenBlockStaggerMult = 0 fOxygenHeal = 10 fOxygenRunAndGunMult = 0 fOxygenSwitchWeapon = 10 fOxygenToggleWeaponDrawn = 10 fOxygenVATSMeleeMult = 1 fPowerAttackOxygenPenalty = 4 fSprintOxygenEndMult = -0.05 fBowZoomOxygenDrainMult = 15.0 fCarbonDioxideOxygenCurve = 1.0 fCarbonDioxideRegenDelayMax = 5.0 fDamagedCarbonDioxideRegenDelay = 2.0 fDamagedOxygenRegenDelay = 1.0 fEncumberedOxygenMult = 1.0 fMinimumHealthPercentageForOxygenUse = 0.1 fOutOfBreathOxygenRegenDelay = 2.0 fOutOfCarbonDioxideEffectTimer = 4.0 fOutOfOxygenEffectTimer = 4.0 fOxygenAttackMagic = 1.0 fOxygenAttackWeaponBase = 7.0 fOxygenAttackWeaponMult = 0.1 fOxygenBashBase = 5.0 fOxygenPowerAttackMult = 1.5 fOxygenPowerBashBase = 10.0 fOxygenReload = 10.0 fOxygenToHealthMult = 1.0 fScopeSteadyOxygenToZeroGConversion = 2.0 fSprintOxygenWeightBase = 1.0
  2. I don't believe anyone has been able to extract the models and textures from the new game yet. I imagine it won't be long though.
  3. I ended up downloading all the animation mods and found one that was close to vanilla but with less right arm sway that I believe may have been taken from the torch animation. I had started with the one you posted above, but found myself getting annoyed with constant 'hitting yourself in the face' part of it.
  4. This was done by elecgs in the Weighted Items mod. Here's the blurb from that mod's description: Arrow weight is simulated through the use of a dummy item called "Quiver of Arrows", found under the miscellaneous category. The amount of this item is periodically updated so any changes to the number of arrows will be reflected. Note that the script only executes every five seconds, so there is some delay, but not much. As you can imagine, it does not work for new arrow types, but it goes someway in addressing the weightless issue.
  5. Absolutely loving that Dark Coat of Plates armour. Keep at it!
  6. A petition sounds like the last thing MERP needs. Think of it this way, if the rise in popularity alerted WB to the mod's existence and precipitated a cease and desist, why would showing that even more people want the mod reverse that decision? Remember, the more people playing a free modded LOTR game, the less likely they are to pay for LOTR games developed under the license that WB controls.
  7. Looking good so far, though I think the pauldrons are a bit too low and flat, looking a bit too much like modern shoulder pads.
  8. Very pleased to see that you're still working on this. Armories of Cyrodil sounds like it will be a must have mod. Just be wary of 'feature creep' and trying to add so much stuff you can't keep up with it all!
  9. I don't know if you can restrict the weapon directly but you could certainly use an OnEquipped activated perk that allows for their effective use. Something like "if weapon X equipped and Y condition is met" then weapon speed is normal; when that weapon X equipped and the condition isn't met then you don't get the normal speed perk to be active and thus the weapon will be slow. Alternatively you can do it the other way around and have a negative perk that cancels when your warmaster perk condition is met (so if you have a two-handed weapon equipped, a perk lowering the speed of your attacks will be activated until the condition is met and the 'restriction perk' is turned off). This latter one is probably easier to do because you won't have to make individual speed adjustments to every weapon.
  10. You might have duplicate faces in those places, have you checked there isn't another layer of faces there?
  11. bulls***. The CK's principle function is to work with Skyrim assets using the Skyrim engine. It's not a game creator nor it is a game engine creator. You cannot make an argument that it's not there to protect Bethesda's stuff; the CK is the access platform for everything they've done in this game. And not just assets but game mechanics and code, they don't want that stuff being stolen by other game companies. The CK EULA is there to say, no, our stuff is our stuff still because you're using our software to modify our code and bring your creation into Skyrim. The only thing they 'own' is the esp, since that's the only thing that's created by the CK. That's your 'new materials'. What the SW EULA says is irrelevant. Modders don't sign anything and don't have to use its uploading service. By not uploading things onto SW they thereby void any of its terms (which are a little loose). This is about the CK license agreement that Jaysus thinks was written so that his models could be used and sold without gaining him any money the very second it's been loaded into the CK, to the point where he's openly threatening people.
  12. If you've loaded both skyrim.esm and your .esp file into the CK, you should be able to find the new armours in the armor records, look for something out of place. Open them up when you find them and then simply change the Display Name to something you want.
  13. You need to make the name of the parent node of your source nif the same as the target nif. In the first node, go to where it says txt, double click on this and then type in the name of the node in the other nif file.
  14. I think you may be misunderstanding the EULA, either in part or in whole. The key thing to keep in mind is language vs intent. What does the CK EULA intend? To protect Bethesda's assets or to steal your work? Your weapons are of a high quality, there's no doubt about that, but let's not assume they're a vital resource that Bethesda must somehow try to get their hands on and have written a EULA to help them do precisely that. Equally, why would Bethesda spend time and resources suing people for creating mods with the CK in violation of its EULA? Just think of this in practical terms rather than one informed by paranoia and mistrust. Also, as has been explained a few times to you in your thread, the CK EULA covers materials created by the editor, not materials created by other software. But let's look at what has happened so far. Almost a thousand mods have been uploaded to Steam Workshop and how many have been claimed by Bethesda or Valve? How many mod authors have had their property taken away from them?
  15. So, if I understand correclty, you've got a writing table working but there's no menu for it, but the menu and your items do come from when you have them on another workplace. How about duplicating one of the other workplace types instead of creating a new one? At least that way you might be able to retain the menu structure.
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