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Navmesh errors

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Hi guys, please help me to understand what I did wrong. Recently I have learnt to navmesh objects using Stuyk`s tutorial. I have created some craftable objects such as a floor and guard post. I did not alter any existing objects. It works in game just fine but now I get a number of errors that all look like this:


PATHFINDING: <CURRENT> NAVM '' (0701168E) Navmesh 0701168e Cell 'NavMeshGenCell' (00000025), Triangle 0 Edge 2 and Triangle 4 Edge 0 should be linked, but they are not.

PATHFINDING: <CURRENT> NAVM '' (0701168E) Navmesh 0701168e Cell 'NavMeshGenCell' (00000025), Triangles 2 and 5 are linked, but their vertices do not match



I don`t know what causes this and I did not notice these errors yesterday. The only change since then is that I have deleted one of the navmeshed static objects.

Is there a way to fix this?

Edited by kitcat81
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This is weird but I somehow fixed the errors without editting navmeshes. I opened and resaved all my navmeshed objects, then saved the .esp, reloaded it and voila - no errors :). Fortunatelly I had just few objects so it took a few minutes. But I`d still like to know how to find the navmesh that gives errors.

Edited by kitcat81
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You can find the offending navmesh triangle(s) by taking note of the Navmesh form ID (00000025 in this case) and the triangle numbers in the error. Go into navmesh mode, then from the CK menu go to NavMesh>Select Triangle by Index...the second to last option at the bottom of the dropdown menu.

In the Select Triangle box that opens up, enter the relevant info for the Navmesh Form ID and Triangle from your error message. Then click the Go To button. That should take you directly to the problem triangle and let you see what's going on. From there you can try using the Auto Fix option but in my experience that sometimes doesn't work, and I end up deleting the problem triangle and making a new one. Either way, once you fixed the triangle click on the Re-Check navmesh button and hopefully you won't get the same error(s). Hope that helps.

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I want to say it was (while in navmesh mode and the cell you want to check) ctrl+F, and hit Next (or something similar).

Hey, thank you, BlahBlah, It works this way, nice tip. I don`t get any errors now, but I checked on random object.

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