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[LE] how to trigger a killmove using papyrus script?

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I have plans on mod that once an enemy is below a certain threshold (say like 20 percent or less) i can equip a spell with a script that allows me to start a kill move animation on that NPC. But i have no idea how to start a kill move animation through scripting. If anyone could tell me how it would be appreciated.

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Have you tried looking at existing scripts yet? If not, I suggest you download the Champollion decompiler, if you haven't already, and look through the existing scripts for examples of how killing moves are triggered. I'm not modding Skyrim right now, or I'd recommend a few scripts to look through. Sorry I can't be more helpful at the moment.
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The killmove on actors depends on two globalVars afaik.

GlobalVariable PROPERTY KillMove auto
GlobalVariable PROPERTY KillMoveRandom auto    ; FormID=0x0005159D

The first GlobalVar seems to be a boolean, that is meaning that:

IF (Killmove.GetValue() == 1) 
       ; killmove is available
       ; killmove is switched off

The second GlobalVar is a percentage value, with vanilla default of 50.0, it means probably 50 percent (or 5 percent) chance to trigger a killmove, if an actor is dying.


Imho it is not a good idea to change such things by script, because some blood mods alter these values too.


An alternative would be to increase the chance of critical damage like Valdr's dagger or the dagger Keening.

Look at the CK for attached spells and magiceffects.

Edited by ReDragon2013
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You start it with

actor1.PlayIdleWithTarget(<IdleObject>, actor2)

For <IdleObject> look for the available idles in the CK, Animations -> 0_master.hkx -> LOOSE


For example "pa_1HMKillMoveBackStab".


If you happen to have a custom killmove then you can look into the FNIS Modder's doc on how to integrate it into the game.

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