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Lydia reincarnated


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Please modders stop using Lydias voice. I know it's probably difficult to get enough words together but it's bad when I think it's Lydia behind me and it's Helena or who ever instead. I love Lydia and even though I have moved on she will always hold a special place in my heart.
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Nearly all of the NPC's in Skyrim use shared voice types, I see no reason why this any different. If it really bothers you though you should be able to change the voice type yourself in the Creation Kit.

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If it's a follower mod without custom dialogue lines, you can easily select a different voice type in the Creation Kit, as was already mentioned.


If the follower has custom dialogue, you'll simply have to live with it. Recording custom dialogue in acceptable quality is'nt an easy task. You'll need a voice actor, you'll need recording equipment and the knowledge to use it. And getting custom voice lines into the game is another task, which isn't trivial at all. So a lot of mod authors build up something new from lines already existing in the game. Lydia is one of the more "talkative" vanilla followers, so there's simply a wider choyce of material to work with. That's why her voice is used so often...

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I do realize that it a very long term project but I have gotten my sexy wife to agree to be my voice actor. That said I'm a noob and have much to learn. So a stand alone follower in my wifes image is a long long way off but I think it's doable.
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