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Black silhouettes?


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So I just downloaded and tried a new custom player home, 'Abandoned Triplex Goodneighbor Home' and on entering, I found that my character and MacCready both showed up as black silhouettes, except for my character's glasses' lenses. Also, Dogmeat did not enter at all. Any clues on what could cause this?

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I recently ran into this same problem during testing of a player home mod I was getting ready to release. Was a real puzzle as it only occurred on one of my three computers I use for testing. During testing something else I uninstalled ENB from one of the machines and it started there as well. In short, I think it had something to do with the imagespace and lighting template I had used in the CK for the interior cell of the mod. Once I changed the imagespace to something else, the issue went away. Not sure what the actual cause was or why it didn't occur when I had and ENB installed, only that changing the imagespace resolved it for me. You might try installing an ENB and see if that resolves it for you...I'd be curious to know if it did as I still have no explanation for my encounter with this.


As for Dogmeat not following you inside, my first guess would be that the interior cell isn't navmeshed properly or isn't navmeshed at all. Other possibilities exist, but that's the most likely reason.

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This doesn't really help with the issue, but...
RedRocketTV, there is an option in image space for interiors that adjusts the light that is displayed on actors. Most likely, the pre-created imagespace had that set to very low(high? ...I don't remember).

It's point is that actors are lighted differently than other objects. So you wouldn't want light to be absorbed by everything else, but your companion (for example) to be brightly lit.

Anywho, adjusting that setting its utmost high(low...one or the other) that setting will cause this every time. I'm just not sure if it's the *only* thing that will cause it, so not very helpful to the OP...and I'm just talking to talk.

...might have been a checkbox...maybe...darn memory.

"As for Dogmeat not following you inside, my first guess would be that the interior cell isn't navmeshed properly or isn't navmeshed at all."
Least not finalized, for sure. Which could include the exterior entry door, too (no green'ish/yellow'ish triangle under the marker).

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This doesn't really help with the issue, but...

RedRocketTV, there is an option in image space for interiors that adjusts the light that is displayed on actors. Most likely, the pre-created imagespace had that set to very low(high? ...I don't remember).


Thanks! That give me something to look into. I was banging my head on the wall trying to figure that one out.


OP: Sorry for hijacking your thread...we're here to help, really we are!

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No problem! As it happens, installing ENB solved the silhouette problem. That was exactly the help I needed. However, poor Dogmeat is still stuck outside. I'm guessing the navmeshing is a bit more complicated. Mac entered without any problem.

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No problem! As it happens, installing ENB solved the silhouette problem.

Well now, that IS interesting! That sorta points to the issue being associated with the imagespace lighting values that BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah mentioned. The ENB settings must overrule the vanilla values which is why I never ran into it until I used a machine with no END installed. Very interesting. Thanks for reporting back with this...and glad it resolved at least one of the problems you had.


As for your navmesh issue, the only real way to be sure what was going on with that mod I can suggest would be to open the cell up in the CK and inspect the navmesh. But there is at least one (maybe two) other threads in the forums regarding issues with companions not following into interior cells. I think one of them is a thread or two above this one. Not sure if it would help your situation, but might be worth a look to see if there's any info that might help. Odd that MacCready will follow you but Dogmeat won't, unless you're using a multiple companion mod...maybe an issue with that if you are?

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There was that one mod, Better Dogmeat (or something similar) that had its initial release uncheck Dogmeat's ability to open doors (which would indeed do this, absolute fact...otherwise my follower tanks would be following you into and sitting on your head in every tiny little interior you went into, haha).

The issue has since been fixed by that mod author, though.

Do you have a similarly named mod? Maybe, if you do, you have the earlier version?

Edit: Darn memory, I can't find it...but I remember it being in the Staff Picks article recently.

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