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What do you do after you have finishes the main Q and are head of ever


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What do you do after you have finished the main Q and are head of every Guild?



Im just wondering if you have any suggestions?


I have done the bard's college aswell and have finished all the deadric quests I think... dont really feel the urge / need to start the game all over again with a totally new character.



Any good ideas ? lol



Edited by viperpine
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Install some new mods, roll up a new character, and play the game again. :teehee: I'm on my fourth, personally.


Starting over may not seem appealing, but with the right mods, it can feel like a whole new game.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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Janus is indeed correct - the right mods make the game something you'll have never experienced before.


On the other hand, if you're not roleplaying you're missing out in a big way. Having to live with self-imposed restrictions makes situations that much more interesting. For example, if you're a sworn pacifist, and your hand is forced to have to kill somebody. Playing a character you normally wouldn't play is also interesting, and for me having a pacifist mage was an enlightening experience.

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A simple tip to make the game more interesting is to challenge yourself to make your experience as realistic as possible. This includes things like not fast travelling, eating and sleeping at regular intervals etc.


If your reaaaallly bored, just start again with a new build :)

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Honestly I'm not sure myself...


I know a lot of people are saying just to download some mods and do another playthrough, but I just can't face doing that again, I have literally explored every location and completed every quest I care to complete in the game, this is all on my first and only playthrough.


I know some can, but I personally just can't stand the idea of doing everything all over again when I know exactly what dialogue is going to be said and exactly what is going to happen. I also feel like starting over again just makes everything I've done with my character pointless, I've gotten pretty attached, despite not giving him any backstory.


I'm waiting for quest mods basically...

Edited by Sky999
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That happened to me. I reached an end to the game and simply exploring was boring. So I started another character an assassin this time (unlike my warrior). I don't feel like doing all the quests again, but it's nice to see a whole other aspect of the game. Well, I do some quests but not all. Like daedric quests. I'm not doing those. Except for Merunes Razor I did that because I'm sneak assassin and I put that weapon to good use ;)


and let me tell you, you haven't seen the game unless you have one-shoted a dragon with a dagger hahha :thumbsup:

Edited by babis8142
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I felt the same way the OP did, but then started a second character so I could play the opposite side in the civil war. The funny thing is, even when you're doing some of the same quests you did in your first game, the play-through is STILL a little different. For example, my first character had to summon a flame atronach to enter the mage's guild. My 2nd character was asked to do a totally different spell to enter. I love these little variations in the game!
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Some other goals:


Learn all the words from the various word walls.

Skill up the crafts to 100 each (Smithing, Alchemy, Enchanting).

Dig up all the ore in every mine in the game.

Collect all the "unusual gems" (there's 24).

Collect all the bugs in jars.


There's probably a lot more things you could do, but these are just off the top of my head.

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