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Cultivation mod


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What!!! You're not fighting giant DUNE type worms when you dig? Why would anyone be even remotely attrated to such a mod? Some people, Ewwwww!!!!


Tytanis, this is wonderful. It can be a huge endeaver though. I can already see the stress lines forming as you face the hoard of "Can ya change" , "Can ya Add". I truely look forward to this mod completed. As long as we're on the subject, ;) , can you add....


Make the diggin only 2 or 3 swipes of the hoe or shovel. Make a Harvesting Kit to be able to harvest your seeds. Maybe even need healing potions to keep them alive during transport. I recall playing Ultima Online a few years ago and some person made a harvesting/planting mod that did something similar to this. Maybe even make it so you have to purchase the instructions for plant types from an alchemist. Give only regional plants to the local alchemist.


Any way you decide to move with this mod, I'm sure it will be a worthy download.

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