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help wanted : technical support


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verify the game through steam and make sure all the files are there. if that doesn't work then you have a mod causing a major conflict


also, did you clean skyrim.esm by using Xedit? if you did then you should not have, You NEVER clean skyrim. esm and in my personal opinion, update.esm should not be cleaned either, but, that's my personal opinion. There are plenty of people that will tell you to clean or not clean update.esm. The reason I say not to is because the update.esm is essentially an extension of the skyrim.esm, and that's my reasoning also.

Edited by gromulos
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hey guy/girls can i get some help with nmm


um, you really should start you OWN thread, jumping into another persons thread and asking for help for your problem is known as hijacking, and besides that, most people consider it rude.

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