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Crashing after reinstalling my backed up folder


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I had a steam DRM issue where it suddenly wouldn't let me start the game despite nothing having changed, and the only solution that worked was to reinstall. So I backed up my entire folder and reinstalled with steam, then moved everything back exactly the way it was.



Now I can't load any of my saves and I crash within minutes of starting a new game. I cleared out my documents/my games/oblivion, I checked everything with Wrye Bash and it's telling me my saves are the exact same load order as before with purple check boxes. Everything in the installers tab looks fine, and everything is the exact same as it was, but I can no longer load any saves or even play for more than a minute without crashing.



Is there something else that needs to be done when restoring a backup? This is absolutely rage inducing and makes no sense when everything is exactly as it was before the steam DRM issue happened out of nowhere.

Edited by slapahotribe23
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I'm in the grasping at straws basket myself on this ... when you restored your backup did you overwrite or delete the new Data folder and then paste in your backup Data folder? I'm thinking maybe something in the new Data folder that wasn't overwritten, and thus is still there being a wrench in the machinery.

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I'd deleted it entirely, even cleaned the registry before the new install. I spent the better part of 48 hours messing with this and it finally seems to be back to normal, although I've only had an hour to test, but it didn't crash on me during that hour even with my old saves. I ended up using my old BAIN installer settings and re-installed every mod from scratch with BAIN exactly as they had been prior to the issue, then moved all my .ini/obse/UI changes into the data folder, but this was still causing issues.




What seems to have fixed it somehow was when I moved my cleaned .esps from my backup folder and overwriting the ones I reinstalled with BAIN, and for some reason it works again. This doesn't make sense with why it was crashing on a new game though, so I'm at a complete loss for that. I've honestly seen weirder s*** with Oblivion so I don't even try to make sense of some of it anymore. I can only imagine that the few mods I had were simply game-breakingly unstable without being cleaned, and I only had a handful of them. I recall the lost spires having some 400+ UDR's, not to mention the total count from the DLC's, but the rest had very few. So I don't know, I'm just hoping this is back to normal now.

Edited by slapahotribe23
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For some reason, if I applied automatic cleaning with TES4Edit on Knights.esp, the game would sometimes crash. I cannot remember if I have done it now, as the game works, but there was something funny happening when cleaning Knights.esp at times. I am still not sure what it is, exactly, that causes issues when cleaning that one DLC (not that I would have investigated, though, too busy doing other things). Oblivion seems to move in mysterious ways. :ninja:


Edit: Typo extermination... as futile as it is...

Edited by Contrathetix
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