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Changing nifskope paths


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So I'm a complete, absolute noob with nifskope. And there's this armour mod that I really, really want.


It's this one and it seems to be broken, in that, according to the comments, the file paths for the cuirass are not correct, making it invisible. It's apparently something really simple to fix, but I just can't figure it out myself.


Is there any way someone here could fix it instead? Or could just give me instructions on how to do it myself?


Thank you!


(I really hope this is the correct forum for this... If not, I'm sorry!)

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Here's a link to a NifTools page: NifSkope/Change texture. The most common error is starting the texture path with C:\Programs Files ... (or whatever drive letter the mod author had Oblivion installed in). Texture paths all need to start with textures\clothes or textures\armor (e.g. textures\armor\JoesUberCoolArmor\cuirass.dds, but a quick look at the mod comments, the age of the mod and the fact that the mod author (who said it was very easy to fix the texture paths, yet couldn't be bothered to do so himself) hasn't had anything to do with it since Oct 2006 leads me to ask ... why bother?
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