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The Littermage: Telekinesis build


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I just hit level 15 with my new build, a mage that uses telekinesis as the primary offensive attack.


I should note that I installed the Telekinesis mod available right here on Skyrim Nexus :) It increases the damage from thrown objects through telekinesis. That's pretty much essential to make this build even viable.


Anyway, on to the necessary stats.


This build, in the early levels, focuses on Illusion, Alteration, and Conjuration. I chose to get my Illusion to 50 first, and then Alteration. My conjuration is currently 40. The goal is to have the following perks when level 30 is hit: http://skyrimcalculator.com/#80322


I got to where I am currently mostly by power-leveling skills, as early on you're about as dangerous as a rabbit (a rabbit that has been frenzied). I've done some of the mage college quests, though, as well as some of the main quest.


Here's some tips for playing this build:

Your summoned minion(s) will act as fodder while your magicka regens. You'll want to get as much reduction to alteration as possible. This build will probably be easier with enchanting, but I haven't gone down that road yet. Assuming I do, I'll probably have a build that looks something like this at it's peak: http://skyrimcalculator.com/#80326


You'll want to keep a variety of objects to throw on your person. I'm currently using iron daggers, as they're pretty light, and are cool to throw :) Larger objects are a little more difficult, as the environment can get in the way.


Here's how combat tends to go:

First, I summon a minion.

Then, I go into my inventory, and drop a bunch of daggers at my feet.

I then proceed to telekinesis them up and at my foe. You'll need to be quick about it early on, and focus mostly on human size or larger targets. I let my minions handle the tiny ones.

If you're fighting a group of baddies, using illusion spells such as frenzy or calm work well to make your job a little easier, and in many cases can eliminate the need for a summoned minion.


One reason I focused so much on Illusion was because I plan on doing the Dark Brotherhood quests. I may even put a little into sneak.


Some issues with this build:

You'll have a hard time with magicka management early on. You've got to get spell cost reduction for alteration; as much as possible. Having a staff of chain lightning or something will help.

I'm also betting that later on, throwing things will be less than useful. Meh. We'll see, I've never done this sort of build before, and maybe a better mod will come out once the CK is out.

Combat goes much slower with this build. Still, it's also a lot of fun to pick up a plate from a bandits table and throw it at his head.

I also learned that you can't pick up weapons an enemy drops UNTIL you loot it out of his inventory, typically. Very frustrating. Basically, telekinesis will only work with stuff you can pick up. No using the random bones lying around that fly up and kill YOU when you walk over them. Just the skulls.

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Thats really interesting, i never knew that you could deal damage with telekenisis. How do you do that?


That's why I'm using a mod to increase the damage. Ideally, I'd love to see a mod that adjusts the damage based on alteration skill & weight (and, in the case of weapons, the current damage). With this mod in it's current form, you can kill people with cabbage just as easily as an iron ingot... which is hilarious, of course, but not very fair.

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