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Separate Bayonet Mods


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By this I mean bayonets have their own place in the mod categories of a gun and can adapt to muzzles and suppressors. Don't know if it's possible but I'd like to think having a melee weapon attached without having it force your gun to suck would be awesome. It could replace a hotkey for your melee weapon entirely, leaving room for other guns/explosives. Also having "leveled" bayonets could keep it up to standards of later game radroachs. I'm thinking combat knives, machetes, kremvh's tooth (maybe even requires the actual weapon to build?), powerfists, stupid things like swords and rolling pins. I'm realizing this is really big the more I think about it but if anyone wants to jump on the base idea that'd be pretty cool!
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you're in luck,

a few mods do already exist, which add bayonet affixments to the barrel

"Shivs of the wasteland" is the vital difference between survival and death.

there is nothing more humorous in survival,

than stealth-shiv'ing a raider with a bodge'd screwdriver bayonet hehe.

+1 vault tec spork or +1 lead pencil

"you wanna see a pencil disappear?"

is also completely useless, but fun.


there's a couple of styles;

taped on, bolted or just the object tangential to the muzzle affixment point.




as to the 'any mod any bayonet' idea,

indeed, a few mods out there toyed with allowing linking to a bayonet and a melee weapon as the muzzle-slot.

we had zeroing-issues for the weapon-sets, making your weapon-creation have a toggleable zero-point from in-game

proved too difficult to achieve.

ie, we wanted a fine-tune wheel in the weapons-workbench, to move the affixment zeroing point in-game at the workbench...

that way, if your custom-made weapon needed to change orientation and move out to 'tangential', it could...

but that was too much of a "is A* in A?" paradox-y...

you can however have a blank mod slot reference another weapon ID with a 'create a weapon as a part" mod.

originally used to prototype standalone weapons into weapons-parts-packs quickly and easily,

it can also be used to effectively use a melee weapon ref as a toggleable bayonet...


consider though, the potential for game-breaking abuse -

Any Mod Any Weapon allows things like

shem drowne's-electrified-stunning-pickman's blade-krenvhms tooth-VATS enhanced-extended ripper, as your bayonet.


Above: it's so broken, it doesn't display the +9 upgrade slots AND the + 3 legendary affix's

whatever you place in the 'real' slot 2 of shem drowne's sword becomes that part of the ripper.

the rest are toggled to be invisible.

it does ~190-230 DMG per hit, based on the ripper's hit rate.

~8ft melee reach or so, maybe 10-20 attacks per second

oh, and 1:39 hits stuns for 5 seconds...

when it unfolds, it can take down a deathclaw in around 2-3 seconds.

that includes when you use it as a bayonet.

(if that bayonet could be considered "stealth bayoneting"; cue chainshaw noise while 'stealth')


To say nothing of the Disc-world "Death's Scythe" standalone mod -

it kills enemies from any distance, as the attack is made against hostiles only...

all hostiles in the cell are attacked by "Death's Scythe" -

and, you can affix that as your bayonet...




I hope that gives you some ideas in the meantime,

I can't share the mods themselves, as I think both the main mods I refer to are presently unlisted at NMM and elsewhere.

I'm not sure where "flatland-world's Death's Scythe" mod is at the moment either.

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Interesting stuff! So if I'm understanding what you're saying then if it were to be attempted, then either the bayonet or muzzle would be invisible depending on what is set as the "dominant" slot? Kind of a bummer the modification system works that way but I'm happy to see people have tried out more creative bayonets and I'm suprised I never came across it. I could see an institute playthrough where I put a pencil on my laser rifle for a good while. I guess I'll look into shivs of the wasteland for now, I've avoided any mod any weapon as I prefer my game to be decently hard and it's clear how easy it can be abused. Thanks for the reply!
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no trouble at all;

indeed, AnyModAnyWeapon's next revision is looking at

a limited form of 'importer' - similar to the "settlement blueprint sharing system" -




so, you will only access instances from a vendor node or from a special container,

from there, you can distribute it and duplicate as you want,

though it will absolutely not be in level-lists, unless you want it there.

I look forward to seeing how they implement that,

it's a great project and has only gotten better hehe.


it'll be great then, after that, is when they're looking at integrating with

weapons-parts-packs and bayonets or "quick change muzzle attachement menu".

you can change the anchorpoint for your bayonet from the weapons-bench menu,

it just moves the anchorpoint and orientation dynamically in-game,

that's the goal any how. so, you can make sure it's tangential or wherever,

apply the fixative decal - say, tape, staples, rivets/bolts, glue, welds etc...


when you combine that with the "shooting from the Prone"/"Go-Prone" mods...

FO4 is becoming a whole lot more interesting hehe



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