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Mods refuse to work


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SOLVED Thank you



Hello! I've been playing skyrim around, but never actually moded it. As I got new pc I tried to get some simple mods at first. I used only 2(or 3 mods), 2 retextures and one make-lights-pretty mod.

I watched few guides here and there.

I installed them with NMM (they are ticked, green, active and stuff, plugins too), but when I launch game they do not show at all. I looked for few days around forums here, on reddit and some guides on youtube but nothing helped me.

I tried

Running game and nmm as administrator

reinstalling game, manager and all mods

editing skyrim. ini (however it does not have many lines as stated in tutorials, manually adding them does not work).


Mods i got (none of these need additional files)





If this matters, my game is installed on secondary drive so I don't need to use weird permissions, I modded many games without problems.

I have vanilla skyrim newest verion gotten from steam. I'm really desperate, maybe formatting my pc would help?

I use win7


what my ini file contains


uExterior Cell Buffer=36




SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.

sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa
sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa






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Out of curiosity I manually downloaded and checked the first file you linked - "young female face texture". I unpacked it with 7zip. I found, that the folder structure wasn't right for automatic install.


It's neither your fault nor NMMs - it simply can't work the way it is packaged. If you want it to work, you will have to manually install the files. Here's how to:


1. Manually download the file. Save it to any location you like.

2. Unpack the archive with 7zip (if you haven't already downloaded 7zip, get it - you will need it rather sooner than later, if you want to continue modding Skyrim).

3. In the now unpacked archive, open the folder "YoungFemale-Fuse00". You will see a folder named "Data". Open this as well. Now copy everything within this "data" folder.

4. Find your "Skyrim/Data" folder. Paste your copied files there.


5. You're done!


Now do the same for other mods. :cool:


Technical explanation - if you're interested in understanding the "problem": Files for automatic install with NMM must contain the correct folder structures for the mod's files as if they were already within the "Skyrim/data" folder. Adding the folders "YoungFemale-Fuse00" and "Data" was a mistake by the mod author. Don't blame him - he's a renowned texture artist and we all make mistakes...

Edited by Algabar
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Hmm, that's really strange. Manually copying texture files is 100% working - provided you got the right folders and texture names. Textures in the file I looked at are named correctly, paths within the "data" folder are okay. Files are working dds files - not corrupt. So these files should work.


Are you using a custom race? Are you playing a non-human race (like elves, orcs)? Did you install any NPC replacers (Bijins, NPC Overhaul, Women of Skyrim....)?


EDIT: Just thought of a very basic thing: To enable mods, you need the following line in your SkyrimPrefs.ini (NOT Skyrim.ini):



Check if it's there, else add this line manually.

Edited by Algabar
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If your PC works alright with other applications or games, it should also be able to handle a modded Skyrim. I wouldn't reinstall everything on an otherwise working rig, just because there's some strange issue with Skyrim.


I'd still bet that it's an issue of mods installed in the wrong folder or something. Doublecheck if you got the right folder structure. It should be Skyrim/data/textures/actors/character/female (or bretonfemale / imperialfemale etc.) for the textures we're currently talking about.

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this is how the path to dds files looks like


I don't know if my pc just does not like the mods.



WOw. It was dumber that it looked. So steam downloaded 2 skyrims, and the folder I was modding wasn't the actuall game folder. The actuall game was hidden somewhere. Thank you guys!

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