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real-time carriage rides


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Though the majority of carriage rides would probably end in disaster for the driver, I'd love having a change of pace. Having the enemy come to me instead of me finding them is a cool concept.
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Since most carriages are situated in major towns/main roads. The traveling is no problem. But in addition to the mod, there shold be an option to drive your own carriage. I mean yes. I am Dohvakiin, but still I wanna be a driver. :)


But seriously this is something the game is seriously missing! CK coming out in less than 24 hours. This should be possible. And add people so that you cans get attacked by a random bandit while going down the road, and have to defend yourself and the driver or else you are stranded.


Just my 2 septims


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Yeah, driving your own carriage would be nice as well, you could have a storage on the carriage where you can store all your stuff and transport it around.

But simply being able to enjoy carriage rides would make me a happy camper in the first place

Yes, my hopes lie on CK as well. hopefully somebody will make it happen. I would gladly pose as alpha and beta tester

Edited by Cyroch
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Just thinking things through, dont now if its possible or not. but maybe it could work like i this example:

you jump on the carriage in whiterun, destination windhelm. the carriage goes off in real time, you may now choose for a few seconds whether you want to go in real time or skip the journey. At the same time, the carriage in windhelm starts towards whiterun, maybe even with some npcs aboard. One problem of course may than be the meeting on a narrow road in the middle of the track. Maybe its just naive thinking, but maybe its possible?

plus of course the random carriages you encounter going around on the main streets of skyrim.

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i really loves the idea!! :D


but one thing in my head just poped out...what if in the middle of the journey we encounter beasts or dragons or bandits??would be like stepping out of the carriage and fight of the mobs and continue or??

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i doubt that carriage ride will do you any good.


it's closer to a sliding door, than to a horse/carriage.


it's a static model with a few animations that just 'slides' across a predetermined path.


now, if that's all you're aiming for, really you just need to make a new path for the cart, and script it to follow said path (like the intro)

if you wanted something more involved, this would be a useless path to follow.

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