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CALL TO ACTION: Tell BioWare we want ModKit


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Hi Guys.




In this interview from late 2016 Mike Gamble told Kotaku that there are no plans for Mod Tools for ME:A, but it might be considered in the future due to the fact that the ME3 Modding Community is extremely strong.


If we really want something done right this time, we need to pressure EA / BioWare into releasing DevTools. The right place for this is EAs Answers HQ.


Everyone who cares about this should immediately go over there and make it loud and clear that you want Mod Tools!


The support over there for modding is still pretty slim and in my opinion the Answers page should be flooded with requests.


I created a mod to topic there which you can endorse, but there are other topics as well.




Call to Action!



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In this interview from late 2016 Mike Gamble told Kotaku that there are no plans for Mod Tools for ME:A, but it might be considered in the future due to the fact that the ME3 Modding Community is extremely strong.




Don't you speak corporate by now? As someone who worked PR for the better part of two decades, I can tell you, the above is just an empty statement. It's geared at making the audience show how much they care without really committing to anything. Fat chance that EA listens to a petition on mod tools. It's not that a real s#*! storm, such as the ME3 ending, would errupt over something like that. It's also that there's a lot of empty space left in this game that will be filled with outfit- and equipment DLCs. So modders are the competition even at the most basic level.

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In this interview from late 2016 Mike Gamble told Kotaku that there are no plans for Mod Tools for ME:A, but it might be considered in the future due to the fact that the ME3 Modding Community is extremely strong.




Don't you speak corporate by now? As someone who worked PR for the better part of two decades, I can tell you, the above is just an empty statement. It's geared at making the audience show how much they care without really committing to anything. Fat chance that EA listens to a petition on mod tools. It's not that a real s*** storm, such as the ME3 ending, would errupt over something like that. It's also that there's a lot of empty space left in this game that will be filled with outfit- and equipment DLCs. So modders are the competition even at the most basic level.


Your assessment of the situation is - of course - correct. But we should put up a fight anyway, because to be honest, we don't have much to loose here.


A Mod Kit will come if EA thinks it makes sense financially. We have to show them that there is more to gain when you provide such tools and if there is enough demand in their support channel, which is the official way of communicating change requests, it might catch on with the press as well.


I cannot enough draw the conclusion between Skyrim and ME:A. If we can sell them the idea that ME:A could become the Skyrim of Science Fiction.

Bethesda counts on the modding community, that is why the game still sells at a high price point even six years after it's release. EA sees that toop AND people buy their DLCs because they are used as Resources for Mods.


If this goes through their thick heads they might listen because EA Execs look in fact over to Bethesda and envy their success. They can read sales tables.



The way the EA Answer HQ works is that from time to time the moderators will present the Execs and Devs with a list of hot topics that are discussed in the Forum. There need to be modding as top priority in EVERY fu++++++ report to them.


Let's be honest, telling them what you want in one or two sentences or just leaving a "thumbs up" is literally the least thing you can do.



First, they ignore you.

Then they laugh at you.

Then they fight you.

.... and then you win.

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A Mod Kit will come if EA thinks it makes sense financially. We have to show them that there is more to gain when you provide such tools and if there is enough demand in their support channel, which is the official way of communicating change requests, it might catch on with the press as well.



Why? PC sales are only a fraction of what they sell across platforms.


By all means, do the petition, just don't expect anything to come of it. The last real time when Bioware allowed extensive modding was DA:O. That's about ten years back.

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A Mod Kit will come if EA thinks it makes sense financially. We have to show them that there is more to gain when you provide such tools and if there is enough demand in their support channel, which is the official way of communicating change requests, it might catch on with the press as well.



Why? PC sales are only a fraction of what they sell across platforms.


By all means, do the petition, just don't expect anything to come of it. The last real time when Bioware allowed extensive modding was DA:O. That's about ten years back.


Well, we have to start somewhere. They have to embrace the Bethesda model, then we will get what we want.


PC sales of ME3 were actually around 20% overall (not counting WiiU)



Skyrim PC sales are around 30% overall. I guess the +10% is the mod difference here....


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A Mod Kit will come if EA thinks it makes sense financially. We have to show them that there is more to gain when you provide such tools and if there is enough demand in their support channel, which is the official way of communicating change requests, it might catch on with the press as well.



Why? PC sales are only a fraction of what they sell across platforms.


By all means, do the petition, just don't expect anything to come of it. The last real time when Bioware allowed extensive modding was DA:O. That's about ten years back.


Well, we have to start somewhere. They have to embrace the Bethesda model, then we will get what we want.


PC sales of ME3 were actually around 20% overall (not counting WiiU)



Skyrim PC sales are around 30% overall. I guess the +10% is the mod difference here....




Not gonna say modding tools wouldn't be nice, but umm.... the so called Bethesda model is based on releasing a buggy as f*#@ game running on the same, unstable, fidgety engine they've used since Oblivion, just with more crap added on top and then hoping the modding community will fix it. Do you really want to encourage EA to release even glitchier games? Cause if you're going to ask them to look at the pros of the Bethesda model you should count on them looking at any way they can cut (more) corners and save (more) money too.

Also, I shudder to think of how EA would handle mods for other platforms, cause yhea Bethesda made a mess of it, but EA's shortsighted money-grubbing would most likely not set a better standard.

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