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speechcraft decrease trainer prices?


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If you really want to train heavy armor and don't mind "exploiting" the game you can complete the companion's quest line and get Farkas as a companion. Once you do that you can get him to train you (he's the master trainer). You can just take the money back from his inventory after you do it so it doesn't cost anything. It's pretty ridiculous, but if you really want cheap training that bad it's an option. Otherwise you might be able to try pick pocketing the money from trainers, but that's much more annoying and would probably require some perk points to be put into the skill (I'm thinking at least 3 for the cutpurse perk).
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Actually, according to UESP, it does:


Prices are computed by the following:

The Base Price Factor is calculated by your skill level:

price factor = 3.3 - (1.3 * skill/100)

Modified Price Factor depend on perks and Fortify Barter bonus:

sell price modifier = (1 + Haggling %) * (1 + Allure %) * (1 + Fortify Barter from potion) * (1 + the sum of Fortify Barter from equipment + Fortify Barter from Blessing of Zenithar)


buy price modifier = (1 / (1 + Haggling %)) * (1 / (1 + Allure %)) * (1 - Fortify Barter from potion) * (1 - the sum of Fortify Barter from equipment - Fortify Barter from Blessing of Zenithar)


The final price combines the two Price Factors and rounds to the nearest whole number:

sell price = [ value of item ] / base price factor * sell price modifier

buy price = [ value of item ] * base price factor * buy price modifier


At 0 skill and no perks, the final price factor is 3.3.


At 100 skill and no perks, the final price factor is 2.


At 100 skill and all perks the final price factor is 1.42857.


Trade price cap: (max sell price = value), (min buy price = value * 1.05).

Skill levels over 100 have no effect.

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If you do level up Speechcraft a lot it could level up the enemies you face, but not a problem if, like you said, you then use it to train in things like HeavyArmor.


One thing I think some people do is allow weaker enemies, like wolves, hit you before killing them, of course, while wearing the armor you wish to train in. It's not an exploit if you role-play that you really are learning how to deflect hits. Don't do it with things like Skeavers though because they might give you a disease.

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