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What do you think is the best NON-ENB visual setup for this game?


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Frankly, I find most of them more bother than they are worth, especially in terms of the FPS hit, but to each their own.


While there are others out there, the most commonly referred to "post-processor" alternative to ENB on Nexus is "SweetFX". Please see the 'Solutions to Post-Processor (ENB/SweetFX et. al.) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide for links and suggestions.



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You could try to learn how to use GECK and make your own imagespace modifier. There you can change quite a bit of things to make the game look better, more vivid, etc.... Or you could use Dynavision 3 and use options there to make the game look however you want. (within the scope of the engine abilities, of course).

I tried both ENB and SweetFX and I like none of them. ENB kills the performance and I couldn't stand the flickering whenever I go into any menu and SweetFX also affects HUD elements, so if you ramp up the FXAA, then the UI will be blurry.

I'd stick with Dynavision since it barely affects performance and is "engine-friendly". :D

Edited by KiCHo666
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Some people recommend using the older "Dynavision 2" + "Imaginator" instead, but the same "invisible NPCs" bug was reported with it. A patch file to fix this issue in "Dynavision 3" was posted in mid 2016, but there are no comments since regarding how effective it is.



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