matas55 Posted April 14, 2017 Share Posted April 14, 2017 (edited) Hello, I was doing Dawnguard sidequest "Deceiving the Herd" avoid bounty and killing named NPCs, I dead thralled a dead Khajiit from this location I brought him to Riften and killed him which satisfied the quest objective.Unfortunately his corpse has not despawned after more than 31 days of waiting inside Nightgate Inn. I also have a Wandering Bard's corpse which won't clean up and also breaks Dawnguard side-quest "The Hunt". Quest won't give a marker which I assume is because of the dead body. Now I'm not sure if I use markfordelete will that khajiit corpse respawn at it's original location? And the wandering bard will she also respawn when a quest The Hunt is started? Or will they be gone from the game completely? There must be a command that respawns bandits like they naturally would right? So I'm wondering how to safely deal with these bodies without permanately removing original entities from the game if it makes sense.I remember in Fallout3 enslaving raiders caused them to stop spawning as it removed the entity from the game so I'm not sure how to deal with this broken game. Load order:Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmUnofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.espHighResTexturePack01.espHighResTexturePack02.espHighResTexturePack03.espUnofficial High Resolution Patch.esp I used Skyrim Mod Organizer and LOOT if that matters. As you can see I'm running vanilla Legendary Skyrim with unofficial patch and that's it. Reading all these threads I'm afraid to ever touch a mod and be able to finish the base game.I should note however that I installed the unofficial patch after killing those 2 NPCs. I didn't realise how broken this game is. I should have started new game with the patch but oh well.I hate this game engine :tongue: Edited April 15, 2017 by matas55 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skateboards Posted April 15, 2017 Share Posted April 15, 2017 I have a few solutions that might work for your first problem. You might do well to just target the dead khaajit in Riften in the console, move to somewhere discreet and type 'moveto player' into the console. This way the body will be hidden from view but not disabled, and eventually it might solve itself.Alternatively you could try targeting him, assuming he will be a hostile NPC you should move to an interior where he won't be. With the NPC still targeted in the console, try typing 'recycleactor' into the console and then just go back out and see what happens. Best case he'll have been moved back to his original place, and it'll be like he was never killed, assuming his buddies have all respawned by now.You could also try targetting him and using moveto player to move his corpse to you out in the wilderness. I'm not sure if moveto player will work through different cells, if it doesn't you could also try 'placeatme' And if that doesn't work, using his console id which you should have targetted still, type 'tai', then 'player.placeatme xxxxxxx 1' where xxxxxxx is the reference id for the bandit in question. You use tai so that when you spawn the bandit next to you, he won't be hostile. You can then move away and hide somewhere and watch him and re enable ai using the same command, and he should hopefully start his long journey back to where he came from! And after that you should be able to safely disable the corpse in riften.I'm sure using setstage for your second problem will work just fine, 'setstage 021RV01 100' will set your quest progress to having just killed the merchant or bard, I know it feels like cheating but it's fine when the game gives you no choice. :PGood luck, I hope this helps you in some way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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